
Does Unlocked have end credit scenes?


Unlocked does not have end credit scenes.




As CIA agent Alice Racine's Parisian nightmare unfolds, she's forced into exile in London, reassigning as a caseworker. But when her mentor Eric Lasch calls her back into action, Alice finds herself racing against time to prevent another devastating attack. With her intel compromised and lives on the line, Alice must join forces with ex-soldier Jack to stop a biological catastrophe from engulfing London.

Runtime: 98 min

Box Office: $4.7M








User Score






User Score


6.3 /10

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Check out what happened in Unlocked!

As Alice Racine navigates her mundane existence as a therapist at a London Community Center, the weight of her troubled past threatens to consume her. The scars from her former life as an interrogation officer for the Central Intelligence Agency still linger, a constant reminder of the devastating consequences of her actions during a botched operation in Paris. Her longing for redemption and a chance to make things right is palpable, often manifesting in secret meetings with MI5 Intelligence Chief Emily Knowles to explore new opportunities.

Racine's mentor and former trainer, Eric Lasche, serves as a voice of reason, urging her not to let the burden of guilt define her. He emphasizes that she can still utilize her skills to make a positive impact in the future, though her desire for redemption remains a driving force behind her actions.

Meanwhile, a sinister plot unfolds as Islamic extremist Yazeed Khalil and his convert David Mercer conspire to launch a biological attack on an American target within Britain's borders. The CIA and MI5 learn of this nefarious plan and set their sights on disrupting the operation. In a tense standoff, Frank Sutter, an officer from London station, intercepts Racine and convinces her to assist in the interrogation of Khalil's courier, Lateef.

As Racine works to extract information from the captive, she begins to uncover the true nature of the operation and the intentions of those involved. A cryptic message delivered by Lateef sparks a chain reaction of events that ultimately leads her to realize she is being manipulated by Sutter. With the threat of death hanging precariously close, Racine seizes control of the situation, revealing the truth to Lateef before staging a daring escape.

In the aftermath, as Racine fights her way past Sutter's men, she suffers a crushing blow when Lateef falls victim to the crossfire. Fleeing to the safety of Lasche's residence, Racine is left to ponder the consequences of her actions and the true extent of Sutter's treachery.

As the chaos of Lasche's brutal murder still lingered in the air, Racine found herself fleeing for her life, her gaze fixed on a hotel address scribbled on a piece of paper by her deceased acquaintance. Her haste was momentarily interrupted by a looter, none other than Jack Alcott (his true identity yet unknown), whom she promptly subdued and tied up. Little did she realize that this chance encounter would set in motion a complex web of deception and betrayal.

As she sought refuge with Hunter and Romley, they seemed to believe her account, but their sudden about-face sent operatives hot on her heels. A desperate Racine fought off two officers before being tasered into submission. Yet, in the nick of time, Alcott managed to break free from his restraints and stage a daring rescue, whisking her away to his apartment.

There, he revealed his troubled past as a British Marine, haunted by the memories of the Iraq war. His words struck a chord with Racine, who found herself drawn to this broken soul, despite her initial reservations. Together, they paid a visit to Amjad, an old acquaintance from the community center, seeking guidance in their quest for answers.

Amjad proved instrumental in leading them to Khaleel, who was hiding out in a Moroccan restaurant. Alcott's impressive martial arts skills allowed him to overpower the security guards, clearing the way for Racine to confront her quarry. The ensuing interrogation revealed a complex individual, once driven by extremist ideologies but now seeking redemption and peace.

As the truth began to unravel, Racine discovered that Khaleel was a man of means with a changed heart, and that someone else - a mole within their midst - was secretly collaborating with Mercer's nefarious plans. Amjad took it upon himself to track down one of Mercer's associates, leading Alcott and Racine on a thrilling investigation.

However, as they delved deeper into the mystery, Alcott's boasts about his war heroics raised some suspicions in Racine's mind. Her instincts proved correct, for he was, in fact, a pawn in Mercer's game, working secretly alongside him. The cat-and-mouse chase reached its climax when Alcott turned on Racine, taking her hostage in an elevator and revealing the true extent of his betrayal.

As the trio navigates the ride with a resident and his two ferocious pit bulls, tensions simmer just below the surface. Racine's impulsive decision to remove the muzzle from one of the beasts unleashes chaos, prompting it to attack her. Alcott intervenes, only for the unleashed dog to misdirect its fury onto him instead, forcing him to take drastic measures in self-defense. Seething with anger, Alcott delivers a brutal shove to Racine before preparing to exact vengeance, but Amjad steps in, determined to put an end to the violence. Despite their valiant efforts, they ultimately fall prey to the wrath of the enraged dog owner, who returns from his apartment armed and hell-bent on revenge. With Alcott meeting a gruesome demise at the hands of the pit bull and its owner, Amjad and Racine make a hasty escape, leaving behind the carnage.

In the aftermath, Racine and Amjad reunite with Knowles, who sets the stage for a crucial meeting with Mercer's representative. Amjad volunteers to play bait, much to Racine's dismay at the risk he's willing to take. Knowles then reveals her findings on the Paris bombings, exposing the truth that Racine had successfully sent vital information to the authorities but some critical aspect failed to materialize. This revelation sparks a mix of shock and outrage in Racine as she realizes someone within their own ranks is responsible for the debacle.

Meanwhile, one of MI5's most trusted snipers, John Wilson, has secretly been working as a corrupt double agent in cahoots with Sutter. He takes out the entire MI5 team in the area, including Amjad, after Mercer's representative extracts crucial intel from him. As the representative makes his getaway to report back to Mercer, he issues a stand-down order that will undoubtedly be ignored. Wilson sets his sights on Racine but is thwarted by Knowles, who has miraculously survived her ordeal thanks to the protection of a bulletproof vest. The representative and Mercer share a moment of triumph as they speed away into the night, confident in their impending success.

As the clock ticks down, a seemingly innocuous worker conceals a sinister intent by secretly planting biological weapon canisters disguised as fan equipment at Wembley Stadium. Yet, just as he's about to unleash chaos upon hundreds of innocent children, his conscience intervenes, and he hesitates, ultimately refusing to trigger the deadly payload. Wilson, ever vigilant, intercepts the terrorist and wrestles the detonator from his grasp. Meanwhile, Sutter and Lasche, who had been faking their own demise, reconvene in a clandestine setting, discussing their next moves.

Their plans are short-lived, as Racine bursts into the scene, dispatching Sutter with ruthless efficiency before subjecting Lasche to a grueling interrogation. Though initially unyielding, Lasche eventually cracks, revealing his true intentions to exploit the pandemic and manipulate the government into taking drastic measures to protect his homeland. As the clock ticks closer to zero, Racine pursues Lasche to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Wembley Stadium.

In a tense standoff, Wilson intervenes, hurling a grenade that sends Racine flying off a balcony's edge. In a desperate bid to cling to life, she manages to grasp the railing just in time. As the explosives detonate mere seconds later, Lasche triggers the biological warfare, revealing his true intentions: to unleash the pandemic on U.S soil and coerce the government into taking drastic measures to protect his country.

Racine seizes the opportunity to overpower Lasche, dragging him off balance and sending him plummeting to his death. With the timer counting down, she scrambles to disable the device, succeeding in the nick of time. As the dust settles, Hunter congratulates Racine on her success, revealing Mercer's planned escape route to Syria.

In a final act of vengeance, Racine stalks Mercer in Prague, confronting him as he prepares to meet with his contact. With calculated precision, she exacts revenge for Amjad's death by slicing open Mercer's groin with a switchblade. As blood gushes from the femoral cavity, Mercer succumbs to his injuries, surrounded by horrified onlookers. Racine, unfazed, disappears into the crowd before reappearing in a limousine, where Hunter awaits her return to active duty, offering her coffee and a stack of passports as a symbol of welcome back.