
Does Morbius have end credit scenes?


Morbius has end credit scenes.




As a rare blood disorder ravages his body, brilliant scientist Michael Morbius makes a perilous pact to cure his own mortality and save others from his same fate. Initially successful, this radical experiment awakens a dark force within him, threatening to consume his humanity. Can Morbius's good intentions overcome the evil that now drives him?

Runtime: 104 min

Box Office: $168M








User Score






User Score


5.2 /10

IMDb Rating

Check out what happened in Morbius!

In the heart of Costa Rica, a team of scientists led by the enigmatic Dr. Michael Morbius (Jared Leto) converge on a cave, their footsteps quieting in reverence as they approach the ancient entrance. With a deliberate slowness, Morbius exposes his palm to the unforgiving air, and a crimson offering is made. The skies darken as a swirling vortex of bats descends upon him, drawn to the sanguine libation like moths to flame. As his companions retreat in haste, their chopper's rotors whirring with urgency, Morbius stands resolute, bathed in the eerie light of the cave.

Twenty-five years earlier, a youthful Michael (Charlie Shotwell) languished under the care of Dr. Emil Nicholas (Jared Harris), his very existence threatened by a cruel blood disease. The institutional walls that confined him were soon breached by the arrival of Lucien (Joseph Esson), a kindred spirit afflicted with the same malady. To Morbius, this new companion would forever be known as "Milo," a moniker born from the memory of his predecessor, Milo. As the boys bonded over their shared struggles, Nicholas marveled at Michael's ingenuity, sparked by a chance discovery - a spring from a ballpoint pen - which proved instrumental in reviving his friend's faltering life support machine. The gentle giant's anguish was palpable as he witnessed Milo's torment at the hands of cruel peers, who reveled in his vulnerability.

In the present, Morbius basks in the international acclaim that comes with being a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, but this accolade is summarily rejected in favor of continued pursuit of his groundbreaking research. His focus remains fixed on Anna, a young patient suffering from the same blood disorder that has defined his own existence. Morbius's devotion to his craft is matched only by his love for Dr. Martine Bancroft (Adria Arjona), whose concern for his well-being is tempered by her growing unease at the pace of their experiments. The project, born from the dark recesses of Milo's past, aims to merge bat DNA with human blood in a quest for a cure. Morbius has secured the cooperation of the enigmatic Milo (now portrayed by Matt Smith), whose influence and resources are instrumental in furthering this bold initiative.

As the scientist's ship sails across international waters, Morbius seeks to secure additional funding from Milo and Nicholas to propel his research forward. The bond between Morbius and Milo has transcended mere camaraderie, their relationship now a testament to the unbreakable ties forged in the crucible of adversity. With an air of urgency, Morbius implores Milo to join him on this perilous journey, driven by a shared imperative to find solace before it's too late for both of them.

As Morbius sets his next course of experimentation in motion, he assembles a team including Martine on a vessel where she will administer the serum to him. The procedure takes place, leaving Martine uneasy when she discovers that Morbius has escaped from his restraints, now clawing his way across the ceiling like a creature possessed. As chaos erupts, Morbius unleashes a ferocious assault upon the mercenaries present, draining their blood and sending them crashing to the deck. Martine, caught in the crossfire, is knocked unconscious as Morbius's vampiric transformation reaches its climax.

In the aftermath of the carnage, FBI agents Simon Stroud (Tyrese Gibson) and Al Rodriguez (Al Madrigal) are dispatched to investigate the grisly crime scene. When they arrive, they find Martine alive but gravely injured, with Morbius having vanished into the night, his frantic mayday call the only sign of his hasty departure. Meanwhile, Milo and Nicholas catch wind of the atrocity unfolding.

Isolated in his lab, Morbius becomes obsessed with grasping the full extent of his newfound affliction, driven to satiate his insatiable hunger by feasting on blood samples. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of his vampiric state, he begins to hone his extraordinary abilities – speed, strength, and reflexes that rival those of a bat in flight. The bats within his laboratory respond to him as their leader, as if attuned to his very presence.

However, just as Morbius starts to regain control over his monstrous nature, Milo appears on the scene, helping him stave off the inevitable relapse. Though initially hesitant, Morbius realizes that the serum has brought about a miraculous cure for his disease, and he refuses to succumb to its dark allure once more.

Later, Morbius pays a visit to Martine at her hospital bedside, only to be interrupted by reports of a brutal vampire attack on a nurse at the very same institution. His instincts scream warning, but before he can react, FBI agents Stroud and Rodriguez descend upon him, their questions cut short as Morbius attempts to flee – ultimately thwarted and taken into custody, his fate hanging precariously in the balance within the confines of a detention center.

In a dramatic turn of events, Stroud and Rodriguez conduct a tense interrogation with Morbius in his cell, only for the vampire's suspicions to be piqued when Milo arrives, cane in hand. As Morbius delves deeper into the truth, he uncovers a shocking revelation: Milo has taken the serum for himself, unleashing a deadly rampage that claims the life of a unsuspecting nurse. Morbius's primal instincts kick in, and with a burst of supernatural strength, he breaks free from his prison confines. Witnessing Milo's own transformation into a vampire, Morbius watches in horror as his former friend slaughters an innocent bystander at a newsstand.

As the chaos unfolds, Morbius confronts Milo in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, chasing him through the subway tunnels where they both take to the skies, only to crash-land amidst stunned onlookers. The police arrive to apprehend Milo, but he dispatches them with ruthless efficiency. With his brother's scent lingering in the air, Morbius narrowly escapes into the labyrinthine tunnels.

Meanwhile, Martine is released from the hospital, and Morbius finds her, sharing the weight of his condition: a constant struggle to keep his vampiric nature at bay, lest he succumb to an insatiable bloodlust like Milo. In a desperate bid for redemption, Morbius turns to an illicit laboratory run by counterfeiters, scattering the nefarious operators and setting up a makeshift research facility to develop a cure for his affliction - a solution that will ultimately prove fatal.

As Morbius works tirelessly alongside Martine, he inadvertently attracts the attention of Milo, who observes their tender moment with a cold calculation. He seizes upon this weakness, recognizing an opportunity to exploit his brother's vulnerability.

The authorities, Stroud and Rodriguez, are stunned to discover the gruesome clubgoers, only to unravel the truth through surveillance footage that exposes Milo's face - a revelation that clears Morbius's name as the prime suspect. Witnessing this news, Nicholas pays a visit to Milo, but their conversation devolves into a violent confrontation, leaving him gravely wounded at the mercy of his vampiric brother.

As Morbius convenes with Martine once more, the somber tone of their meeting is tempered by an unforeseen development: the tragic fate that has befallen Nicholas. With a heavy heart, Morbius hastens to his friend's side as he succumbs to his mortal wounds. The emotional toll of this loss resonates deeply, and Morbius's pain is momentarily assuaged when Milo, Martine's captor, reaches out for his assistance. However, Morbius soon finds himself grappling with the weighty responsibility of rescuing Martine from Milo's clutches.

Upon arriving at the scene, Morbius discovers Martine gravely injured and helpless against her tormentor. In a poignant moment, she implores Morbius to take her blood, allowing him to harness its transformative power in his quest for vengeance. As he absorbs Martine's vital essence, a tiny droplet of his own blood inadvertently falls into her mouth, imbuing her with an extraordinary vitality.

Empowered by this newfound strength, Morbius sets out to confront Milo, marshaling his faithful bat minions to encircle and immobilize his foe. Seizing the opportunity, Morbius approaches his brother, injecting him with the same compound that had granted him his own vampiric abilities. As the life force ebbs from Milo's body, he finds solace in the knowledge that Morbius had given him his name, a poignant reminder of their fraternal bond.

As Morbius watches over his dying brother, he is suddenly summoned to take flight into the night, leaving Martine to her own mysterious metamorphosis. Meanwhile, as the credits roll, the multiverse's fabric begins to unravel, permitting Adrian Toomes (Michael Keaton) - aka the Vulture - to materialize in this new reality. Disoriented but undeterred, he sets out to locate Morbius, revealing that Spider-Man is somehow entangled in the unfolding drama. With a calculating glint in his eye, Toomes proposes an unholy alliance with Morbius, urging him to join forces and launch a crusade against the web-slinging hero.