
Does Scoop have end credit scenes?


Scoop does not have end credit scenes.




As a journalist, a scoop can be the story of a lifetime. But what's the cost when chasing the truth? This gripping drama delves into the complexities of power, privilege, and accountability as a determined reporter digs deep to uncover the truth about Prince Andrew's association with Jeffrey Epstein, revealing the blurred lines between fame, friendship, and scandal.

Runtime: 1 h 42 m









User Score


6.7 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in Scoop!

Here's the rephrased section:

In 2010, photographer Jae Donnelly (Connor Swindells) set his sights on capturing an exclusive shot of Prince Andrew at a private Manhattan residence on East 71st Street. With whispers from his source suggesting that the royal had indeed paid a visit to the property, Jae staked out the location, waiting for the perfect moment to snap a photo. As fate would have it, he caught Prince Andrew (Rufus Sewell) stepping out onto the streets with Jeffrey Epstein (Colin Wells) in tow. The photograph, taken after capturing a young girl leaving the same apartment, would prove to be a pivotal moment in Jae's career.

Nine years later, following a major shake-up at BBC Newsnight, young guest producer Sam McAlister (Billie Piper) stumbled upon the historic photo of Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein walking together in Central Park. Printed alongside an article about a Prince Andrew-sponsored event for young entrepreneurs, titled "Pitch at the Palace," the image sparked something within Sam. She set out to track down the photographer who had captured the momentous shot.

As tensions ran high at the palace, Prince Andrew's private secretary Amanda Thirsk (Keeley Hawes) identified the Epstein photo as a significant factor in the lack of press attendance at their recent event. In an effort to salvage the situation, she consulted with PR representative Jason Stein. The royal insisted that he had severed ties with Epstein following the mogul's initial underage sex scandals, but Jason cautioned that it would take time for the public to move on from such a scandalous association.

Andrew was keenly aware that his 60th birthday loomed in the near future and wanted to improve his public image. Jason suggested that Amanda reach out to several "friendly" reporters to conduct one-on-one interviews, designed to humanize Andrew and shift the focus away from the Epstein controversy. Having recently spoken with Sam, Amanda agreed to meet and negotiate terms for an exclusive interview. However, Sam was determined to ask tough questions, leaving no stone unturned.

Meanwhile, program editor Esme (Romola Garai) called out her colleague Sam for her vocal criticism of lead presenter Emily Maitlis (Gillian Anderson) and for having sensationalist leanings. Recognizing the need to work together in a post-cuts environment, Esme sat down with Sam to emphasize the importance of collaboration. In a meeting that included Emily, Esme welcomed Emily's innovative approach but emphasized that they must find a way to put aside their differences and move forward as a cohesive team.

As Jae shares disturbing images of young girls frequenting Jeffrey Epstein's Manhattan penthouse, he reveals the notorious financier's decades-long pattern of exploiting vulnerable youth. These unsuspecting victims hail from a 66th Street apartment complex owned by Epstein's brother but rented by his sibling, providing a warehouse-like setting for these nubile girls to congregate. The gravity of the situation is heightened by the fact that this depraved activity continues unabated, targeting young girls who are often overlooked and underserved.

Meanwhile, Sam uncovers damning evidence of Ghislaine Maxwell's involvement in providing Epstein with his victims, including a shocking photograph from 2001 featuring the socialite alongside Andrew, Duke of York, and Virginia Roberts, just 17 years old at the time. The revelation sparks a sense of urgency as Sam seeks to expose the truth behind Epstein's crimes.

Upon returning home, Sam is met by her mother Netta (Amanda Redman), who has been shouldering the responsibility of caring for their teenage son Lucas. Despite her demanding work schedule, Netta makes an effort to bond with Lucas over his crush on a girl and treats him to takeout. The warmth of this family moment is short-lived, however, as Sam's thoughts are consumed by the Epstein investigation.

The following day, Amanda extends an invitation to Sam to join her at Buckingham Palace for tea. As they depart the palace grounds for a drink, Sam seizes the opportunity to broach the subject of Emily Maitlis, Andrew's long-time friend and colleague. Amanda reveals that Emily is a single mother with a background in banking, having worked for Andrew for seven years.

As negotiations for an exclusive interview with Prince Andrew heat up, Sam and her team face criticism from colleagues Jason and an unnamed member of Amanda's team, who deem the meeting a waste of time given the palace's reputation for exclusivity. Undeterred, Sam remains convinced that the Epstein story has significant legs, citing Ghislaine Maxwell's connection to Andrew as a key factor.

Following a heated altercation with her colleague, Sam vents her frustrations to her mother, seeking guidance and support. Just as tensions are simmering, Jae interrupts with news of Epstein's impending arrest by the FBI for child sex trafficking. With this new information, Sam rushes to Amanda's home to plead her case for Prince Andrew to grant Newsnight a TV interview, leaving Amanda just one hour to make up her mind.

As the days unfold, Virginia Giuffre's accusations against Andrew escalate, alleging that they had an intimate encounter when she was just a teenager. Amanda remains resolute in her conviction that these claims are entirely fabricated, while Jason becomes increasingly uneasy about the mounting scandal.

The investigation takes a sudden turn with Epstein's unexpected passing in his cell a month after his arrest, sparking rampant speculation about Andrew's involvement. As rumors swirl, Sam orchestrates a high-stakes meeting at Buckingham Palace, bringing Amanda together with Prince Andrew and his daughter Beatrice (Charity Wakefield). Sam astutely points out to Andrew that his silence will only serve to fuel the narrative against him, and that sharing his story in his own voice is the only way to reclaim his image.

Despite Emily's initial reluctance to share her list of questions before the interview, Jason becomes increasingly skeptical about the entire venture, ultimately quitting his job due to concerns over the lack of conditions. Sam, meanwhile, appears to be left out of the loop as Esme and Emily collaborate with two male journalists (Richard Goulding and another), effectively sidelining her from the proceedings.

In a heart-to-heart with her mother, Sam receives a much-needed pep talk, reminding her of her crucial role in bringing the story to light. The next morning, Amanda rings Sam to confirm the interview details, setting the stage for what will be a landmark televised broadcast on November 16, 2019.

As Emily looks to "take down" Andrew, driven by a sense of unfinished business stemming from her own experiences with Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, she is determined to pin him down over his alleged sexual misconduct. With Sam's guidance, Emily allows Andrew to share his perspective, but he repeatedly denies the allegations, claiming that his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein never implicated him in any wrongdoing involving minor girls.

In a shocking turn of events, Emily confronts Jeffrey about his December 2010 photo shoot, just nine months after his release from prison in July 2010 following a conviction for sexual assault of a minor in 2006. Andrew's attempt to downplay the situation by claiming he only met Jeffrey briefly and then parted ways is met with skepticism by Emily, who insinuates that he actually stayed at Jeffrey's residence for several days, which Andrew attributes to convenience rather than any genuine connection. However, it is Andrew's lack of remorse and accountability in this televised interview, coupled with his peculiar comments about visiting a PizzaExpress in Woking, Virginia Giuffre's accusation that he danced with her at the time, and his apparent inability to sweat, that ultimately sparks widespread outrage and becomes the public catalyst for Prince Andrew's downfall. The Duke's decision to step back from his royal duties soon after this debacle marks a significant crisis for the Royal Family as a whole.

It is worth noting that despite never admitting guilt, Prince Andrew settles Virginia Giuffre's civil lawsuit in early 2022 out of court, paying her £12 million. Meanwhile, Sam McAlister leaves the BBC in 2021 and goes on to teach negotiation at the London School of Economics.