
Does Rio Bravo have end credit scenes?


Rio Bravo does not have end credit scenes.

Rio Bravo

Rio Bravo


In the dusty town of Rio Bravo, Sheriff John T. Chance draws a line in the sand when ruthless outlaw Joe Burdette kills without conscience. As Burdette's brother Nathan plots his escape, Chance stands firm, rallying an unlikely posse of Dude, Stumpy, and young buck Colorado Ryan to hold off the bad guys until help arrives.

Runtime: 141 min

Box Office: $25K








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8.0 /10

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Check out what happened in Rio Bravo!

As the sun sets over the dusty town, a worn-out figure stumbles into the local watering hole through the back door - Dude (Dean Martin), a former deputy sheriff turned vagabond, his rugged features reflecting the hardships he's faced. His disheveled appearance and empty pockets are a stark contrast to the affluent rancher Nathan (John Russell) whose corrupt influence permeates every corner of this small community.

At the bar, Joe Burdette (Claude Akins), Nathan's ruthless brother, observes Dude's desperation for a drink with a calculating smile. He tosses a coin into the spittoon, and Dude, resigned to his circumstances, bends down to collect it. However, his old friend Sheriff John T. Chance (John Wayne) intervenes, kicking the coin away as if to remind Dude of their past. The tension between them is palpable, with Burdette's cold gaze fixed on Dude like a predator sizing up its prey.

As Burdette begins to circle Dude, a sense of unease settles over the patrons. Chance approaches, his eyes locked on Burdette, but before anything can unfold, Dude's pent-up frustration boils over, and he wields a piece of wood to knock Chance unconscious. Burdette remains unfazed, watching as Dude's anger dissipates into despair.

The scene shifts as Dude, feeling ashamed and helpless, tries to confront Burdette once more, only to be met with brutal retaliation from Joe's henchmen. Amidst the chaos, an unarmed bystander attempts to intervene, but Joe responds by pulling out his gun and taking the man's life. With Chance and Dude lying half-unconscious near the lifeless body, Joe saunters out of the saloon, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

The aftermath unfolds as Chance, his head battered and his sense blurred, staggers into another local tavern, where he finds Burdette once more. This time, however, he's not alone - Dude appears at the doors, his eyes blazing with determination, and whips out a gun to protect his friend from Burdette's henchmen. The ensuing chaos sees Chance take down Joe, while Dude helps his friend subdue the outlaw and drag him off to jail, where the corrupt rancher's influence will be unable to sway justice.

As the somber funeral procession for Joe's latest victim draws to a close, the dusty streets of town are suddenly abuzz with the arrival of a wagon train, led by the grizzled Pat Wheeler (Ward Bond) and his young protégé, Colorado (Ricky Nelson). This pair of seasoned travelers has history with Chance, who fills them in on the tumultuous state of affairs in their adopted hometown. The normally unflappable Burdette is struggling to maintain order, relying solely on his reinstated deputy, Dude, and an aging, battle-scarred veteran like Stumpy (Walter Brennan) for support. It's a precarious situation, with no immediate solution in sight – the marshal and posse won't arrive for several days yet, leaving Joe free to wreak further havoc.

Meanwhile, Pat sets about depositing his cargo of oil and dynamite at Nathan's warehouse, while Chance and Dude take a break from the chaos to share a pint of beer inside. As they're relaxing, Dude finds himself goaded into fury by Joe's mocking jibes about his shaky nerves, prompting him to hurl a glass bottle in frustration against the bars of Joe's cell.

Just as tensions are running high, a package arrives at the hotel for Carlos (Pedro Gonzalez), the proprietor, bearing a surprise gift for his wife Consuela – a fetching new set of lingerie. As Chance delivers the parcel and chats with Carlos about its contents, a stunning stranger named "Feathers" (Angie Dickinson) materializes at the door, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she takes in the unlikely tableau of lawmen, underwear, and general mayhem. With a knowing laugh, she disappears into the crowd, leaving Chance to ponder the mysterious newcomer's arrival in town.

As the moon casts its silvery glow over the sleeping town, a sense of restlessness settles upon Dude (actor's name), Stumpy, and Chance as they gather at the office, their footsteps echoing through the stillness. The dry air has taken its toll on Dude, his usually rugged exterior worn down by the desiccating forces that have beset them all. Recognizing his friend's distress, Chance proposes a distraction in the form of a town patrol, and with Stumpy by their side, they set out to reclaim the night.

Their stroll takes them past the hotel, where Carlos emerges to share a crucial piece of information: Pat has been spreading whispers throughout the town, seeking help from the sheriff. Intrigued, Chance interrupts Pat's card game with Colorado, Feathers, and others, his words dripping with a warning that any public plea for assistance can prove fatal. Pat offers his aid, but Chance declines, knowing that Pat would be of little use if he required protection himself. Instead, Pat offers to secure the services of Colorado, who politely declines, opting instead to mind his own affairs.

As Chance prepares to depart, he can't help but notice Feathers winning hand after hand at the card table. His curiosity piqued, he follows her upstairs, where she reveals that the cards in question have three aces missing. He pulls out a wanted bill featuring a notorious con artist and identifies Feathers as his partner, though she insists she's been cheated. As Chance begins to feel uneasy, Colorado appears, pointing an accusatory finger at the man with the checkered vest – the true culprit behind the cheating.

Together, they apprehend the perpetrator, searching him until they recover the pilfered cards. With the cheater subdued and his winnings divided among the players, Chance thanks Colorado before departing to find Pat. Unfortunately, he finds his friend lying in a pool of blood on the street, felled by a cowardly assassin hiding in the stable.

Colorado offers to help track down the gunman, but Chance declines, opting instead to confront the killer himself. He bursts into the barn, only to find the culprit has escaped to the saloon. Dude, meanwhile, has entered the establishment through the front door, where he discovers the telltale signs of blood dripping into a glass of beer on the bar. With his gun drawn, he fires upward, and the killer's lifeless body crashes onto the floor.

As the dust settles, Chance confronts the saloon's patrons, demanding to know if any one of them has entered the premises. The men erupt in laughter, tossing a coin into the spittoon as Dude searches for the gunman among them. None have muddy boots, until he spots the telltale signs of blood on the barman's apron – the giveaway sign that their quarry lies dead before him.

With the truth revealed, Chance turns his attention to the man who had denied any suspicious activity, striking him over the head with his rifle. As the patrons relinquish their guns and proceed to the jail, Chance shares a knowing glance with Dude, acknowledging that his partner's instincts have once again proved correct.

As Colorado (actor name) walks into the office, he's accompanied by a somber procession of Pat's personal effects, a poignant reminder of the life left behind. Expressing his gratitude to Dude for settling scores with the individual responsible for Pat's demise, Colorado hands over the undertaker's latest acquisition, a grim task that now falls to Chance (actor name). The sheriff is tasked with safeguarding Pat's belongings, including the wagons, until a court order can be procured, forcing Colorado to prolong his stay in town, sans funds.

In a moment of introspection, Chance wanders into the hotel, where he encounters Feathers at the bar. She apologizes for her earlier behavior, and Chance shares the story of how he rose to become the sheriff. In return, she recounts the tragic tale of her late husband, a gambler who repeatedly betrayed the trust of his patrons before meeting his untimely demise. Recognizing the sheriff responsible for issuing the wanted bills bearing her name, Chance offers to pen a letter on her behalf, requesting that further warrants be issued. Feathers is eternally grateful.

The next morning, Chance awakens to find himself running significantly behind schedule, only to discover that Carlos has allowed him a late start at his request. It seems Feathers had taken it upon herself to keep watch over Chance's room all night, stationing herself in the hallway chair like a sentinel. Confronted by her nocturnal vigil, Chance lambasts her for her foolishness. He cautions her to prepare for the upcoming stagecoach departure, hinting that her time is running out.

As the sun beats down on the dusty town, Dude stands watchful vigil, ensuring that every visitor to Joe's domain deposits their firearms in his care, a precautionary measure that will only be released upon departure. The arrival of Nathan Burdette and his entourage marks a turning point, as they nonchalantly dismiss Dude's demands to relinquish their weapons. A deft display of Dude's authority is required, however, as he disarms one of the men's horses, prompting an about-face from the initially recalcitrant group.

Upon entering the office, Nathan and his cohorts are met with a stern reception from Chance, who permits only Nathan to behold Joe, while delivering a scathing rebuke for his transgressions. Chance's ire is palpable, fueled by the recent demise of Pat, as he reminds Nathan that any attempt to launch an attack on the office will be swiftly and brutally quashed by Stumpy, who will not hesitate to strike down his brother before Nathan can even react.

Nathan departs, leaving Chance pondering the wisdom of permitting him to leave. The enigmatic Chance rationalizes his decision, reasoning that whatever nefarious plans Nathan has concocted will unfold with or without him incarcerated. Meanwhile, Carlos arrives to deliver disquieting news: Feathers failed to board the stagecoach, opting instead to remain in town until the tumult subsides and she can be assured of Chance's safety.

As night descends, Colorado takes up residence at the saloon bar, where Nathan and his men are indulging in revelry. Nathan approaches the mariachi band, whispers a cryptic message, and departs with his entourage as they begin to play a hauntingly beautiful Mexican tune. The melancholic melody wafts through the town's quiet night air, captivating the attention of Chance and Dude.

Colorado eventually approaches the duo, revealing that Nathan commissioned the performance as a deliberate message, one that carries ominous implications. The Deguelio, a song infamous for its association with the brutal slaughter at the Alamo, serves as a chilling declaration: no quarter will be given.

As Chance, Dude, and Stumpy congregate in the office, a palpable tension settles over the trio like a thick fog. Dude's curiosity gets the better of him, prompting him to probe Chance about his thoughts on Feathers, but the enigmatic Chance remains tight-lipped, refusing to indulge his friend's inquiry. Dude's persistence eventually yields a modicum of insight when he draws an analogy between his own experience and Chance's apparent reticence regarding Feathers. He recounts how, upon the arrival of a mysterious woman in town, he was the first to warn him about her potential dangers, only to have his prophetic instincts vindicated.

Meanwhile, Stumpy emerges from the local jail, requesting Chance's assistance in procuring a fresh pot of coffee. Dude, meanwhile, becomes fixated on Stumpy's firearm, expressing a desire to fine-tune its action. Stumpy is adamant in his refusal, however, demanding instead that Chance hand over the remaining firearms he had stored away for safekeeping. These guns, it transpires, were acquired from the individual who had originally purchased them from Dude during his darkest hours, when he was at an all-time low.

As the afternoon wears on, Chance deems it necessary to escort Dude to the local hotel, where he can indulge in a much-needed bath and dressing. Upon departing, Feathers reveals her intention to remain at the hotel, tending bar for the foreseeable future. Little does Chance know, his decision to leave will soon prove prophetic.

A sudden, jarring sound pierces the air - the report of a gunshot, echoing from the direction of the jail. Without hesitation, Chance sprints towards the source of the disturbance, where he finds Stumpy standing over Dude's prone form, having fired at him in a moment of misdirected fury. The mistaken assumption that Dude was one of Burdette's men attempting to infiltrate the jail had led Stumpy to unleash a hail of bullets.

Miraculously, Dude escapes unscathed, but his sudden realization about his own squalid appearance over the past two years serves only to fuel his growing ire. Stumpy, meanwhile, is overcome with remorse, his shame and regret palpable as he confronts the gravity of his actions. The true extent of his friend's transformation becomes clear, and Chance can't help but feel a deep sense of concern for the well-being of the man who had once been his partner in every sense of the word.

As dawn breaks, Burdette's henchmen orchestrate a stealthy ambush on Chance, swooping in from behind to subdue him with a bucket of icy water and a crushing blow. They swiftly swap their leader out for an identical doppelganger, ensuring Chance remains oblivious to the substitution. Meanwhile, Colorado steps inside the hotel to procure some matches, unaware of the danger lurking mere yards away.

As Chance nonchalantly rolls a cigarette and leaves his rifle temporarily out of reach, Burdette's men strike, brandishing their guns in a surprise attack. They demand Joe's release, but Colorado, perceptive as ever, senses something amiss from his vantage point inside. With calculated precision, he counts down the seconds before launching a plant pot through the window, momentarily distracting the would-be assassins. Seizing the opportunity, Colorado casually exits the hotel, tossing Chance his trusty rifle just in time to take down the intruders. The quartet's fourth member, attempting to make a hasty retreat, meets his match with a well-placed bullet from Chance.

As Dude is freed from his bonds and reunited with Chance, he announces his decision to hang up his hat, citing exhaustion and the debilitating effects of the shakes. Chance empathizes with his friend's plight, but also makes it clear that if Dude insists on drowning his sorrows, he shouldn't expect any help in the future. A swift punch later, Dude slaps Chance, prompting a stern warning: wait for him at the office, and he'll settle his outstanding debt.

In a surprising twist, the undertaker reports discovering sufficient funds among the deceased to cover the costs of their interment, a development that only serves to raise Nathan's ransom demands for Joe's safe return. Amidst this chaos, Feathers finds solace in a drunken haze with Colorado at the local watering hole, her emotions raw and vulnerable. Chance arrives to offer heartfelt gratitude for her timely intervention, followed by an unexpected job proposal: would Colorado be willing to serve as his trusted deputy? With his heart still reeling from recent events, he accepts the challenge.

As Dude watches on, Colorado relinquishes his badge at the office, a somber moment marked by an air of helplessness as Dude sits quietly, craving a drink but struggling with the temptation. Stumpy's wise words urging restraint are ignored by Chance, who instead goads Dude into pouring himself a glass, only for him to reconsider and pour it back into the bottle. The Mexican tune's nostalgic hum lingers in the background as Dude reveals his shakes have subsided, prompting Chance to offer another chance at redemption.

That night, the trio – Dude, Colorado, and Stumpy – gather around, their harmonies filling the air as they sing together. Stumpy wistfully remarks that this makeshift serenade is preferable to the brutal reality of being shot in the street, an observation that sparks Chance's plan to seal themselves away for a few days, waiting for the marshal's arrival.

Under the guise of procuring food and blankets from Carlos at the hotel, Chance and Dude actually aim to gather supplies. However, they soon discover that Consuela has been taken hostage by some of Burdette's men, who are determined to keep Chance alive as leverage in their bid to free Joe. In a calculated move, they set a thin rope across the stairs, ensuring Chance trips over it as he rushes down to the sound of Consuela's forced screams. The impact sends him crashing to the floor, unconscious.

Meanwhile, Dude takes a bath while Chance keeps watch on the landing, exchanging whispered words with Feathers. He informs her that their reunion will be put on hold for a few days, but his concern is soon overshadowed by the reality of their situation. Burdette's men have taken both Dude and Feathers hostage, demanding that Chance trade himself in exchange for Joe. However, Chance refuses to comply, knowing that Stumpy would never agree to such a deal.

The captors insist that Chance must convince Stumpy to accept their offer, citing the posting of bail for his release. Dude reluctantly echoes these sentiments, acknowledging that they have no choice but to prioritize Stumpy's freedom – an old and alone individual who deserves some measure of happiness. The fate of Joe hangs in the balance as the group navigates this treacherous impasse.

As Chance enters the office, flanked by two heavily armed men, the air is thick with tension. One of his captors lingers outside, while Stumpy, ensconced behind bars, readies a shotgun for any would-be rescuers. With an air of nonchalance, Chance informs Stumpy that he intends to release Joe, and the latter obliges by pointing out the location of the keys on his desk. As soon as Chance reaches for them, however, Stumpy unleashes a hail of gunfire, dispatching the two men behind him with deadly precision. Colorado, meanwhile, swiftly takes down the third interloper who dares to enter the fray.

With the immediate danger neutralized, Chance and Colorado make their way to the hotel in a bid to rescue Dude from his predicament. However, upon arriving, they find Feathers busily untying Carlos and Consuela, with no sign of Dude anywhere. The trio has apparently escaped through the back door, leaving behind only the faintest whisper of their presence. Undeterred, Chance opts against giving chase, fearing that pursuing them could result in Dude's untimely demise.

Instead, he instructs Carlos to establish contact with Nathan and request a meeting. As Feathers stands by, her expression a mix of concern and resolve, Chance poses the question: has she come to regret her decision to stick with him? Her resolute shake of the head serves as a testament to her unwavering commitment to their cause.

As the sun dips below the horizon, a sense of anticipation hangs in the air like the sweet scent of smoke carried on the breeze. Chance (actor's name), Stumpy, and Colorado wait with bated breath for news from Carlos, their eyes fixed on the dusty trail that leads to Nathan's stronghold. When Carlos finally arrives, he brings with him a proposition: trade Dude for Joe, a demand that sets off a chain reaction of tension and mistrust among the group. Chance agrees to the deal, while Stumpy expresses his reluctance to stay behind, citing his advanced age and lack of agility as reasons why he shouldn't get involved in any further trouble in these wide open spaces.

Undeterred by Stumpy's reservations, Chance and Colorado set out on a mission to prepare for battle. They make their way to the barn overlooking Nathan's warehouse, where they gear up with their trusty firearms at the ready. As they take their positions, Dude emerges from the shadows, his eyes locked onto Joe as he begins his approach. The two men are mere moments away from crossing paths when Dude lunges forward, and a fierce battle ensues behind the wall.

Meanwhile, Chance and Colorado engage in a frantic gunfight with Nathan's henchmen, who attempt to escape across the creek to launch a surprise attack from behind. But Chance and Colorado are no strangers to combat, and they expertly take down several of their opponents before two remaining men manage to make it safely to the other side.

Just as all seems lost, two explosive gunshots ring out from offstage, and the would-be attackers drop lifeless to the ground. A familiar laugh echoes through the air - Stumpy's signature cackle - and Chance and Colorado exchange knowing glances. It becomes clear that their old friend is nearby, waiting for his cue to strike.

As the battle rages on, Carlos arrives on the scene, armed with a massive shotgun that proves instrumental in turning the tide of the fight. With renewed confidence, Chance sets out to warn Stumpy of the impending danger, racing against time to prevent catastrophe. Meanwhile, Dude and Colorado work together to create chaos behind enemy lines, using unlit sticks to lure the henchmen into a trap.

As the stakes grow higher, the warehouse teeters precariously on the brink of destruction. On the final throw of the dice, Chance fires off one last stick, and the entire structure comes perilously close to exploding in a spectacular display of pyrotechnics. The Burdette brothers and their remaining henchmen quickly surrender, emerging from the warehouse unarmed as the dust settles.

Later that night, the town slumbers peacefully once more. As Chance makes his way to the hotel to pay a visit to Feathers (actor's name), he finds her waiting with open arms. Their passionate embrace is interrupted only by the sound of tights flying out the window and onto the street below. Dude and Stumpy, passing by the scene, can't help but smile and laugh at the romantic interlude, their own bond stronger than ever as they walk off into the night.