
Does As Above, So Below have end credit scenes?


As Above, So Below does not have end credit scenes.

As Above, So Below

As Above, So Below


In "As Above, So Below", archaeologist Scarlett Marlowe's quest for eternal life takes a perilous turn when she ventures into the eerie Catacombs of Paris to uncover Flamel's legendary Philosopher's Stone. As her team delves deeper, they're trapped in a descent into darkness, where personal demons resurface and the line between reality and nightmare blurs.

Runtime: 93 min

Box Office: $42M









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User Score


6.2 /10

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Check out what happened in As Above, So Below!

As the cinematic canvas shifts its gaze to a new chapter in Scarlet's journey, she finds herself standing at the threshold of Reza's (Hamid Djavadan) abode, a man willing to lend his expertise in navigating the treacherous labyrinth that lies beneath. With the clock ticking and the government breathing down their necks, they must proceed with haste before the impending demolition destroys any hope of uncovering the secrets hidden within the ancient catacombs.

As they venture into the depths, Scarlet and Reza are met with an unexpected encounter - soldiers patrolling the very same tunnels they seek to explore. With caution as their guide, they retreat to a hiding spot, waiting for the soldiers to pass before resuming their quest. Reza's apprehension grows as he fears for his family's safety, but Scarlet's unyielding determination prompts him to linger, granting her mere minutes to decipher the ancient inscriptions that hold the key to unlocking her father's life work.

The inscription, a treasure trove of secrets and mysteries, holds Scarlett entranced. As she begins to read the markings, her eyes widen with wonder, revealing the profound impact this discovery has on her understanding of her father's legacy. However, her reverie is short-lived, as Reza's concern for their safety grows more urgent by the second. The impending demolition looms large, and Scarlet must make a choice - to flee or to seize the opportunity presented before her.

With the blast mere moments away, Scarlet seizes the Rose Key, an ancient statue shrouded in mystery, capturing its markings on film as the sirens wail in the background. As debris begins to rain down upon her, she narrowly avoids being buried beneath the rubble, eventually finding refuge at the entrance where their journey began. Reza's urgency is palpable as he urges Scarlet to leave, but her determination remains unwavering.

As they emerge from the catacombs, Scarlet reveals to Reza that she has captured the markings on film, illuminating the next step in her quest to complete her father's work. However, Reza's cautionary words serve as a stark reminder of the perils that lie ahead. Her father's pursuit of the Philosopher Stone, he warns, was a path that ultimately led him down a road of madness.

The curtain falls on this chapter of Scarlet's odyssey as she sits down with her cameraman Benjy (Edwin Hodge) for an intimate interview. As they delve into the mysteries surrounding the Philosopher Stone, a legendary artifact capable of transmuting base metals into gold and granting eternal life to its possessor, Scarlet's reluctance to discuss her father's tragic fate is palpable. The weight of his legacy hangs heavy upon her shoulders as she navigates the treacherous landscape that lies ahead.

In the City of Light, Paris, France, Scarlet and Benjy embarked on an odyssey to unravel the mysteries surrounding Nicolas Flamel, a legendary alchemist rumored to possess the elixir of immortality. Their quest led them to the crypt of this enigmatic figure, where they discovered the empty coffins of Flamel and his wife, a testament to the enduring allure of their myth. Scarlet revealed that the location of the fabled stone was said to be hidden in code on Flamel's tombstone, but she required the expertise of someone who could decipher the ancient script.

Unbeknownst to Benjy, Scarlet had a clandestine encounter with her acquaintance George (Ben Feldman), an expert in breaking and fixing, at the top of the church clock tower. Their reunion was marked by a mixture of tension and wariness, as George recounted his previous imprisonment in Turkey, courtesy of Scarlet's earlier escapades. Undeterred, she revealed that she had unearthed The Rose Key, prompting George to express incredulity at her daring solo expedition to Iran.

As night fell, the trio converged on Flamel's tomb, intent on deciphering the cryptic markings on his grave marker. Despite their best efforts, they remained stumped until Scarlet proposed a novel approach: using chemical reactions to reveal hidden messages. With a mixture of curiosity and skepticism, George witnessed as Scarlet brought her idea to life, illuminating the stone with a burning intensity that revealed the long-sought clue. The night air was charged with anticipation as they grasped the next piece of their puzzle, their journey now poised to unfold in ways both thrilling and unpredictable.

As the trio of Benjy, Scarlet, and George pored over a worn map, their quest for answers led them down a rabbit hole of ancient mythology. With Hell believed to be a mere 741 feet beneath Earth's surface, they needed to find a location that was precisely halfway between the two realms - and the cryptic clues pointed to Flamel's tomb as the key to unlocking the stone. Scarlet's sharp mind quickly deduced that the catacombs were their only hope, but Benjy's skepticism was tempered by George's recollection of three Parisian land cave-ins that had created 100-foot voids in the earth. One such point lay eerily close to Flamel's final resting place - and it was here that Scarlet hypothesized a hidden catacomb might be hiding in plain sight.

As they embarked on a sanctioned tour of the catacombs, Scarlet's eyes scanned the labyrinthine tunnels for any sign of their target. It wasn't until they were lagging behind the group that a chance encounter with a teenage boy yielded a crucial tip: seek out Papillion (François Civil) to guide them through the hidden passageways. Though the tour guide seemed more interested in ushering Benjy and Scarlet back into the fold, their eyes met again - this time without the benefit of a crowd. The boy vanished as suddenly as he appeared, leaving only whispers of an impending adventure.

That night, the trio converged on a Parisian nightclub where Papillion was spinning tracks behind the decks. It was here that Benjy's attention was arrested by a mysterious young woman who locked eyes with him in a moment of electric connection. Scarlet's enthusiasm for their quest finally won over Papillion, whose promise of half the treasure hidden within the catacomb proved too enticing to resist.

As they prepared for their perilous journey, the group swelled to include Souxie (Marion Lambert), Papillion's trusted friend and confidante, as well as Zed (Ali Marhyar), a man with secrets that seemed to seep from every pore. Benjy's curiosity about Papillion's scars only sparked more questions - answers that Zed was reluctant to provide. As they readied themselves for the unknown, George's reservations about joining the expedition were slowly worn down by Scarlet's persuasive charm. Though he wouldn't be joining them beneath the earth, his presence lingered as a reminder of the stakes and the thrill of the chase.

As the group navigates the labyrinthine tunnels, Benjy (Benjy) deploys his camera-equipped lights, capturing every detail of their perilous journey. George's reservations intensify as they approach the narrow entrance, but Papillion remains undeterred. Suddenly, a pursuing police officer tackles Papillion, sparking a chaotic scramble that sends the group fleeing into the tunnel in disarray. With the officer momentarily stunned by Papillion's smoke grenade, the group seizes the opportunity to regroup and reassess their situation.

As they venture deeper into the catacombs, Scarlet apologizes to George for his unwanted involvement, but her words fall on deaf ears. He had repeatedly expressed his reluctance to join the expedition, yet here he is, entangled in Papillion's reckless plan. The group presses onward, eventually arriving at a fork in the path. Papillion notices that the left route would require a treacherous swim, leading them away from their intended destination.

Choosing instead to take the right path, they continue on, only to be startled by an unsettling chant drifting through the air. Peering through rocky outcroppings, they catch sight of a group of women engaged in some sort of ritual. Papillion remarks that the catacombs attract its fair share of eccentrics and fanatics.

As they approach another critical juncture, Papillion decrees that they must traverse a treacherous path of bones, despite Benjy's protests and Scarlet's alternative suggestions. The latter argues that taking the safer route would save them precious time, but Papillion remains adamant, drawing upon his intimate knowledge of the catacombs.

Scarlet's concerns are assuaged when George intervenes, reminding her that Papillion's expertise is their best guarantee of survival. Moreover, Papillion shares a chilling tale about a friend named Mole who had taken the same route out of curiosity and was never seen again.

As the group navigates through the winding tunnel, Benjy's claustrophobia kicks in, causing him to struggle against the constraints of the path. Scarlet's soothing words and gentle guidance eventually calm his nerves, but not before his frantic movements inadvertently trigger a collapse that nearly claims his life. As they emerge on the other side, they're met with a disorienting sight: it appears as though they've somehow looped back to their starting point, yet the "forbidden" path Papillion had refused to take is now the only viable route forward.

Despite initial reservations, the group reluctantly decides to press onward through the foreboding passage. As they venture deeper, they stumble upon a familiar graffiti symbol, eerily similar to one Papillion had tagged earlier in their journey. Scarlet's suspicions are piqued, and she confronts him about his potential involvement, but he vehemently denies having been in this part of the catacombs.

The air is suddenly filled with the insistent ringing of a phone - a sound that's all too familiar to George, who notes that they'd once discovered abandoned phone cables down here. As the ringing grows more persistent, George's eyes land on a haunting sign that confirms their location: the site of a devastating ground collapse that claimed the lives of 100 people. Papillion's solemn confirmation adds an air of dread, as he reveals that when crews went in to rectify the issue, another 50 individuals vanished without a trace.

As they continue to navigate this treacherous terrain, the group stumbles upon an old piano, seemingly plunked down in the middle of nowhere. The unexpected discovery sends shivers down their spines, and George's eyes widen as he begins to play a tune on the instrument. His fingers falter when they hit the A4 key, only to find it broken - a discovery that sends him into a tailspin of panic. "What's going on?" he frantically asks Scarlet, his voice laced with a growing sense of unease.

As Scarlet's unease persists, the incessant ringing of her phone becomes an auditory torment, driving her to scour the surroundings for the source of the disturbance. Her search ultimately leads her to a rotary phone perched on a table, its presence a nostalgic reminder of a bygone era. As she lifts the receiver, an otherworldly voice whispers in her ear, prompting her to demand identification from the mysterious caller. The silence that ensues is deafening, and with a jolt of fear, Scarlet slams the phone back into its cradle.

The group's search for escape leads them further down the path, only to be confronted by Mole, Papillion's erstwhile companion, whose return had long been considered a myth. Mole's words are laced with an air of mystery as he inquires about their quest for freedom, and the group responds with unanimous fervor. His enigmatic response – "the only way out is down" – sets them on a course to uncover the secrets hidden beneath their feet.

As they prepare to rappel into the unknown, Benjy's rope snaps, sending him plummeting toward George. The impact is brutal, leaving Benjy's hands badly battered. Scarlet's quick thinking and medical expertise are put to the test as she tends to her friend's injuries, ensuring he receives the care he needs.

With all six members safely down, they embark on a journey through a narrow corridor, punctuated by an eerie silence that is suddenly shattered by the cacophony of banging noises. Amidst the chaos, one of their cameras captures a fleeting glimpse of a small child, leaving them with more questions than answers.

Their progress is eventually hindered by what appears to be yet another dead end, but George and Scarlet's keen eyes are drawn to ancient carvings etched into the stone. Recognizing the resemblance to Egyptian tombs, they decipher the inscriptions, ultimately uncovering the correct sequence to unlock the entrance. As the door swings open, they step into a dimly lit chamber, where the sight of a well-preserved corpse clad in Templar armor takes their breath away.

Scarlet's hunch guides her as she orders the group to extinguish their lights, plunging them into darkness. It is then that she detects a faint glow emanating from the floor, drawing her attention to an underwater chasm. With trepidation, she crosses the gulf, only to discover a treasure trove of riches and markings etched onto the walls. The rest of the group joins her, their faces aglow with joy as they bask in the realization that their perseverance has led them to a veritable fortune.

As Scarlet's gaze drifts towards the wall, she becomes entranced by an ancient myth about the dawn of the sun, her envy of her parents' love sparking a sense of longing. Unbeknownst to her, mere moments later, her fingers would brush against the Philosopher Stone, an artifact of immense value nestled beside a humble treasure trove. Her expression freezes in a mix of astonishment and trepidation as she realizes the gravity of their situation - it's a trap! Papillion's reckless decision to burst open the door unleashes a catastrophic chain reaction, burying Souxie beneath the rubble. The group's collective gasp turns to relief as Scarlet utilizes shavings from the Philosopher Stone to heal Souxie's mangled arm, leaving them all in awe of her unorthodox skills.

As they regroup and reassess their situation, the reality of Mole's apparent demise sinks in, a sobering reminder that the stakes are higher than ever. With no other choice but to press onward, Scarlet and George stumble upon an ominous inscription etched into the wall: "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here." Papillion's unease reaches new heights as they're forced to confront the possibility that they may have entered a realm from which there is no return.

The group emerges on the other side, only to find themselves face-to-face with an eerie, inverted replica of their previous environment. The path behind them has vanished into thin air, leaving Papillion to wonder aloud if they've stumbled into the very depths of hell itself. Scarlet's reassuring words do little to calm his fears as Souxie's sudden encounter with Mole sends shockwaves through the group.

As they rush to Souxie's aid, Mole's madness takes hold, and he brutalizes her in a violent outburst before vanishing into thin air. Papillion's pleas for Scarlet to use the Philosopher Stone to revive Souxie fall on deaf ears, as it becomes apparent that she is already beyond saving. The group is left reeling from the horror of it all, forced to continue their perilous journey despite the crushing weight of their losses.

As they press onward, Scarlet's keen eye spots a noose hanging ominously in the air, only for it to vanish into thin air upon her second glance. It's then that the group begins to grasp the true nature of their predicament - everything they're experiencing is merely a twisted mirror image of their previous actions, and they're unwittingly descending deeper into the earth with each passing moment.

As Benjy prepares to descend into the unknown, his ears are met with an eerie wail - the unmistakable cry of a baby. His instincts screaming for him to investigate, he spins around to face the source of the sound, only to be confronted by the same enigmatic woman who had been haunting his every step. Startled and off-balance, Benjy takes one wrong step too many, plummeting down the well without his safety harness, his lifeless body crashing onto the unforgiving ground below. Scarlet's horror is now palpable as she realizes her expedition has claimed its second victim, with George's stern urging to move on serving only to amplify her distress.

The group's subsequent journey becomes a macabre procession of death and despair, as they stumble upon a ghastly trail of bones that stretches out before them like an eternal expanse of skeletal remains. George's tortured cry pierces the darkness as he beholds a haunting apparition - his own brother, Danny, succumbing to a watery grave. Scarlet's gentle reassurances are lost on him, her words failing to dispel the crushing sense of hopelessness that now grips them all.

Their morbid procession is interrupted by a glimmer of light on the horizon, which gradually coalesces into a blazing inferno - a car engulfed in flames, with a young man trapped inside. Papillion's anguished cry, "NO! IT WASN'T MY FAULT!", hangs in the air like a desperate prayer, as an unseen force inexorably draws him towards the burning wreckage. Scarlet and George's futile attempts to restrain him are ultimately unsuccessful, as Papillion is sucked into the inferno, only to vanish into thin air, leaving behind nothing but his lifeless legs protruding from the earth.

Scarlet, George, and Zed are left to pick up the pieces of their shattered expedition, their numbers dwindling with each devastating turn. As they proceed deeper into the catacombs, a robed figure emerges, its very presence seeming to portend doom. The trio secludes themselves behind a corner, exchanging whispered words of encouragement as they prepare for their final stand.

In this desolate landscape, George finds solace in sharing a poignant thought with Scarlet - "Whatever happens, the week in Turkey was the best week of my life." Her quiet response, "Mine too", serves only to underscore the crushing futility of their situation. As the robed figure rises from its chair, the trio springs into action, fleeing for their lives as the darkness closes in around them like a shroud.

As they pause amidst the ancient stonework, the intricate carvings on the walls suddenly spring to life, morphing into grotesque, marble-like creatures that assail George (actor's name) with a ferocity that leaves him gravely injured. Scarlet and Zed scramble to rescue their friend, dispatching some of the stone monstrosities in the process.

Scarlet's concern for George's well-being turns to despair as she realizes her mistake: the "stone" she used to heal him was nothing more than an illusion. The true, authentic artifact must be retrieved from its original resting place – the very wall where she first discovered it. With a sense of urgency, she instructs Zed (actor's name) to keep watch over George while she backtracks through the labyrinthine catacombs.

As Scarlet navigates the eerie, subterranean passages, she encounters an unnerving sight: a seemingly endless tide of blood replaces the former flow of water, and grasping hands reach out like skeletal fingers to snare her. With a surge of fear, she manages to extricate herself from their grasp, only to stumble upon a hooded figure suspended from a rope – or so it appears at first glance.

Her initial assumption is that this is a hallucination of her deceased father, but as she pulls back the hood, she's met with the disorienting sight of her own reflection staring back. The image vanishes, and Scarlet presses on, driven by a sense of desperation to retrieve the real stone before it's too late.

Upon arriving at the wall where she first found the artifact, she repositions it, but uncertainty grips her – where exactly is the authentic stone? As she surveys the wall, her gaze falls upon a radiant, golden orb at its center. A gentle dusting reveals a reflection that is unmistakably hers.

Scarlet hastens back to George's side, only to be confronted by yet another manifestation of her own guilt: an apparition of her father, suspended from a noose like the weight of his own mortality. She approaches him, acknowledging her regret for not taking his call on the fateful night he took his life. As the vision dissipates, she renews her resolve and hastens back to George's side.

Upon her return, Zed queries whether she has secured the stone; Scarlet's affirmative response is met with a tender gesture – a kiss placed upon George's neck, accompanied by the gentle touch of her hands. The wounds that had threatened to claim his life begin to heal, and George (actor's name) awakens anew.

As they flee from the vengeful stone creatures, now in hot pursuit, Scarlet, Zed, and George plunge deeper into the catacombs, their path illuminated only by the faint glow of uncertainty.

Here's my rephrased version:

As Scarlett (Perdita Weeks) gazes down into yet another treacherous well, she knows that their desperate bid for survival will be futile unless they take a terrifying leap of faith. Zed and George are horrified at the prospect of plummeting to their deaths, but Scarlett's words of wisdom cut through their fear: if they confront their darkest guilt-ridden secrets, they might just find redemption - and a chance to escape alive. The trio holds hands, takes a deep breath, and launches themselves into the unknown, their collective weight bearing down upon them.

Miraculously, they land bruised but intact, only to be met with Zed's frantic desperation as he realizes that all their efforts may have been for naught. But Scarlett's indomitable spirit refuses to yield, and she conjures up the cryptic phrase "As Above, So Below" to guide her through the darkness. With George by her side, she uncovers a hidden exit in the form of a manhole cover, which they pry open to reveal a path back to the bustling streets of Paris. As they emerge, shell-shocked and battered, Zed exhales a sigh of relief and shock, while Scarlett and George share a somber embrace, their bond tempered by the fires of their shared ordeal.

The film concludes with Scarlett sitting across from Benjy (actor name), recounting her harrowing experience in the Paris catacombs. When asked if she's driven by a thirst for fame or fortune, Scarlett sets the record straight: it's the pursuit of truth that truly motivates her. "I want the truth," she declares, her voice laced with conviction.

Roll Credits.

As Scarlett's introspection deepens, she comes to a profound realization: only by facing the demons that torment her and absolving herself of the weighty guilt that has been suffocating her can she hope to shatter the chains of psychological confinement. This epiphanic moment marks a turning point for Scarlett (Emma Stone), as it also inspires Zed (Chris Hemsworth) and George (Tom Hiddleston) to confront their own personal demons, leading them to a shared epiphany that ultimately sets them free from the labyrinthine catacombs. With this newfound understanding, the trio emerges from the underground tunnels, blinking in the bright Parisian sunlight, their faces etched with the scars of their ordeal but their spirits tempered by the hard-won wisdom they've acquired.