
Does The End We Start From have end credit scenes?


The End We Start From does not have end credit scenes.

The End We Start From

The End We Start From


In a ravaged London, where catastrophic floods threaten to engulf everything, a desperate mother embarks on a perilous journey with her newborn to reclaim their shattered lives. As the city descends into chaos, this young family's very existence hangs precariously in the balance.

Runtime: 1 h 42 m










User Score


6.6 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in The End We Start From!

As the relentless tempests ravage London, unleashing a torrential downpour that cripples the city, Woman's labor pains intensify, birthing her precious newborn son Zeb amidst the chaos. The floodwaters spread far and wide, engulfing other low-lying regions of Britain, precipitating a nationwide crisis as food shortages and makeshift accommodations for the displaced become dire concerns. For Woman and her husband R, the perfect storm of calamity forces them to abandon their home and flee with their infant to R's parents, seeking solace in the relative safety of their ancestral abode.

However, the arrival of G, R's mother, sets off a chain reaction of tragedy as she meets a tragic end at the hands of the desperate crowd clamoring for sustenance. The subsequent demise of R's father N by suicide leaves R shattered and traumatized, struggling to come to terms with the devastating consequences of their new reality.

As Woman and R attempt to regroup and find shelter from the storm, they become separated in the chaos, with R losing touch with his wife and child. When the makeshift refuge they've taken up is breached by marauders, Woman and Zeb are forced to flee northward, seeking sanctuary on a remote island off England's coast, where they're drawn into an insular community bent on shielding themselves from the ravages of the outside world.

But as the allure of this isolated utopia begins to wane, Woman finds herself increasingly disillusioned with the stifling nature of their communal existence. As she yearns for a connection to the world beyond their island refuge, they decide to return to their ruined home in London, only to be reunited with R, forever changed by the trials they've faced and the secrets they've kept.