
Does Spy Intervention have end credit scenes?


Spy Intervention does not have end credit scenes.

Spy Intervention

Spy Intervention


When a suave spy trades in his high-stakes missions for domestic bliss, his life takes an unexpected turn. However, when a rogue agent threatens global chaos, he must rekindle his old skills and ignite passion in his faltering marriage to save the world from destruction.

Runtime: 93 min









User Score


3.9 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Spy Intervention!

As the world's most accomplished operative, Corey Gage (Drew Van Acker) traded in his adrenaline-fueled lifestyle for the love of his life, Pam Grayson (Poppy Delevingne). But when a rogue agent, Doyle Egan (Max Silvestri), threatens to unleash a devastating weapon, Corey is forced to abandon his humdrum existence and re-enter the world of espionage. His decision stems from a chance encounter with Pam during a mission, where he was hot on Egan's trail at a local mall. The allure of free cosmetics samples proved too great for Corey to resist, leading him to momentarily set aside his pursuit of Egan.

Pam, an erstwhile party animal turned domestic diva, is initially thrilled by the prospect of marrying into a quiet life with Corey. However, her fears about his restless nature and potential unhappiness prove well-founded. As they settle into their mundane routine, Corey's spy training and instincts begin to stir once more, fueled by Pam's own repressed adventurous spirit.

Corey's decision to leave behind his agency and former life is cemented when he quits his job as a top operative and surrenders his spy implants. He takes up a new occupation as a cardboard box salesman, attempting to blend in with the ordinary folk. Despite this change of pace, Pam remains committed to her beloved dinner parties, though her preparations always seem to precede actual gatherings.

As their love falters under the weight of reality, Corey's life begins to unravel. His once-pristine home falls into disrepair, and his office colleagues - Bob (Brian Sacca), Fred (Lane Garrison), and Ted - become increasingly exasperated by his lackluster performance as a cardboard box salesman.

Meanwhile, Pam's former wild child tendencies are revealed through flashbacks, showcasing her desperation for a "normal" life that ultimately led her to Corey. As tensions simmer beneath the surface, Smuts (Blake Anderson), Corey's former partner and ally, reappears with news of Doyle Egan's own marriage - and their honeymooning in the same town as Corey.

Egan's presence serves as a painful reminder of Corey's first failure, which he had previously opted to flee. The agency therapist reveals that this unresolved issue is the root cause of Corey's marital woes, leaving him unable to find lasting peace until he completes his unfinished business and puts an end to Egan's nefarious plans once and for all.

As the agency's suspicions deepen, they surmise that Egan's marriage serves as a ruse to gain access to blueprints for a weapons of mass destruction. Smuts concocts a plan for Corey to pose as a married man once more, this time by feigning a union with the stunning Alexandria (Natasha Bassett), who harbors an undeniable attraction for Corey. To facilitate their undercover operation, Alexandria treats Corey to a makeover, bestowing upon him a sleek new haircut and a smooth, chest-free physique. Meanwhile, Pam remains oblivious to Corey's true intentions and begins to suspect that her husband is embarking on an illicit affair, confiding in her friend Brianna (Brittany Furlan), who advises her to keep a watchful eye on Corey.

Smuts orchestrates a clever ruse by purchasing 10,000 cardboard boxes from Corey's company under his name, allowing Corey to reap the benefits of his supposed fieldwork. This charade culminates in Corey winning a prestigious salesman award and securing a complimentary stay at the Pine hotel – the very same locale where he is tracking Egan. Under the guise of a carefree couple, Alexandria and Corey attempt to entice Egan's attention by posing as adventurous swingers.

Corey's nocturnal forays back home are interrupted only by his daily returns, which Pam follows, growing increasingly uneasy as she discovers her husband slipping away to the Pine hotel and ultimately into the honeymoon suite. Brianna eggs her on to confront Corey, sensing that their life together is being pulled apart.

At the pool, Corey intercepts the courier delivering the blueprints to Egan, securing the crucial documents for Smuts. Pam's growing unease boils over as she catches Alexandria applying sunscreen to her back while wearing a revealing bathing suit – a moment that shatters her illusions about her husband and his new partner in crime.

When Pam bursts into the pool area, Corey rushes to placate her, only to be thwarted by Alexandria's hasty departure to confront Egan. She finds him already in possession of their files, having anticipated their every move. With this revelation, she hastens back to Corey's residence, where a dinner party for his work friends and their wives is underway.

Disguising herself as an actress, Alexandria attempts to warn Corey about the impending danger, but her words fall on deaf ears. Egan and his goons arrive uninvited, sparking chaos and sending Pam into a tailspin of confusion and betrayal. As the evening descends into pandemonium, it becomes clear that Corey's undercover escapades have put not only his marriage but also his very life in jeopardy.

As the dust settles on the aftermath of their victorious showdown against Egan's nefarious entourage, Corey (actor name) and Pam (actor name) find themselves at a crossroads. The thrill of triumph has given way to a newfound sense of purpose, as each begins to forge their own path forward. For Pam, this means charting a new course in the world of cosmetics, leveraging her entrepreneurial spirit to launch Undercover, a line that quickly becomes a game-changer in the industry. Meanwhile, Corey is busy exploring his own creative outlets, finding solace and satisfaction in the freedom that comes with being unencumbered.

As the weeks tick by, both individuals are able to strip away the trappings of their former lives and reveal their true selves. It's as if they're standing at the starting line, ready to sprint towards a future filled with promise and possibility. And then, in a moment of serendipity, it becomes clear that they're perfect for each other - not despite their new avatars, but because of them. Their friends, who had been cheering them on from the sidelines all along, are thrilled to see their loved ones find happiness once more. As Corey and Pam rekindle their romance, the stage is set for a love story that's as fresh and exciting as it is enduring.