
Does Small Engine Repair have end credit scenes?


Small Engine Repair does not have end credit scenes.

Small Engine Repair

Small Engine Repair


In this darkly comedic drama, three lifelong friends - Frankie, Swaino, and Packie - find their loyalty tested when they're asked to do a favor for the fiery young woman Crystal. As the whiskey flows and the night descends into chaos, old bonds are stretched to the breaking point, revealing the cracks in their camaraderie and the toxic masculinity that underlies it all.

Runtime: 102 min

Box Office: $111K







User Score






User Score


6.5 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Small Engine Repair!

Frank Romanoski (John Pollono), a hardworking family man, navigates the complexities of his life in Manch-Vegas (Manchester). He runs a small engine repair shop, sacrificing his own desires to provide for his daughter, Crystal. Meanwhile, his demanding wife, Karen Delgado, keeps her distance from the family, leaving Frank to deal with the emotional fallout of their troubled past. His childhood experiences have instilled anger issues, eerily reminiscent of his late abusive father's toxic behavior. Repeated stints in correctional facilities have become a pattern for Frank, stemming from explosive outbursts directed at strangers who unknowingly trigger his deep-seated frustrations.

As Frank emerges from the Hillsborough correctional facility, he reaches out to his high school friend, Terrance Swaino (Jon Bernthal), and requests a meeting at his shop. Unbeknownst to Frank, Swaino and Packie Hanrahan (Shea Whigham) have been watching over Crystal in his absence. When Frank returns home, Swaino hands Crystal back over to her father, but the young girl's tears tugging at his heartstrings prompt Frank to re-evaluate his life.

Years pass, and Crystal begins to push for independence, insisting on attending UCLA. Frank is initially hesitant but eventually agrees, sacrificing his own desires for the sake of his daughter's happiness. The friends reunite on Christmas Eve, celebrating Crystal's college acceptance with a night out. However, their merriment is short-lived, as Karen Delgado arrives in town, whisking Crystal away for a shopping spree.

In the midst of this chaos, Frank's anger issues resurface during a bar fight, prompting him to lash out at his friends. Just as he loses control, Crystal bursts onto the scene, pleading with her father to stop. The incident serves as a wake-up call for Frank, who promptly cuts ties with Swaino and Packie, opting instead to leave with Crystal.

Months later, a lonely Frank invites his former friends to his shop, seeking to mend their relationships. As they revel in camaraderie, Frank makes clandestine calls to an unknown number. When Packie inquires about the suspicious activity, Frank reveals that he has invited a drug dealer to supply them with a substance to spice up their reunion. However, this "dealer" turns out to be Chad Walker, a 19-year-old college student moonlighting as a drug peddler to make ends meet. As Chad arrives at the shop, Frank persuades him to stay for a drink or two, leaving his friends to wonder about his true intentions.

As Frank received a barrage of calls and messages from Karen, her anxious queries about their daughter Crystal's well-being went unanswered. Meanwhile, Chad regaled Swaino and Packie with a tale of a chance encounter on Instagram that had taken a dark turn. The story involved a young woman who had unwittingly sent him compromising photos, only to attempt self-destruction in the face of online humiliation. Chad's father, a prominent figure in Boston's legal circles, had intervened to spare her life.

When Frank arrived, he curiously inquired about the tale, prompting an argument that would soon reveal a shocking connection between Crystal and Chad. As it transpired, Chad had unknowingly sent explicit photos of Crystal to his friends, triggering a devastating chain reaction that left her comatose for weeks. The news struck a chord with Frank, who harbored feelings of guilt and rage. In the midst of this turmoil, he decided to take matters into his own hands, plotting to eliminate Chad and conceal the crime.

As Frank rallied Packie and Swaino to join him in his sinister plan, the trio's camaraderie was put to the test. Packie, ever the voice of reason, proved hesitant to participate, while Swaino was torn between loyalty and morality. Just as tensions reached a boiling point, Karen burst into the scene, demanding answers about Crystal's condition.

As the truth began to unravel, Frank found himself confronted by his own toxic masculinity, which had driven him to seek revenge rather than justice. The group's dynamics shifted when they stumbled upon an Instagram post that Chad had tagged in, featuring their shop as a backdrop. Panic set in as they scrambled to contain the fallout.

In a crescendo of chaos, Karen unleashed her fury on Chad, while Frank teetered on the brink of self-destruction. Packie, ever the sage, offered a moment of clarity: "He ruined her life with a picture." This epiphany sparked a plan within Swaino, who would eventually orchestrate a humiliating photo shoot featuring Chad and his own private parts.

As the group's scheme took shape, they issued an ominous warning to Chad: should he ever consider revealing their dark secrets to the authorities or his powerful father, they would unleash the incriminating image on social media, condemning him to eternal embarrassment.

As Chad's fixation on his seemingly flawless exterior reached a fever pitch, he made a conscious decision to seal off his lips, effectively silencing his concerns. This internalized turmoil led Frank to grant Chad his freedom, allowing the young man to breathe easier. The following day, Frank, Swaino, Packie, and Karen converged on Crystal's hospital room, bringing with them the comforting presence of her loved ones. As they gathered around her bedside, Frank leaned in, his voice barely audible as he whispered words of reassurance: "Your family is here, Crystal." The gentle warmth of their collective support seemed to awaken something deep within her, and with a subtle movement of her fingers, Crystal's hand wrapped tenderly around Frank's. In this fleeting moment, it appeared that the coma had finally lifted its veil, and the film came full circle on a hopeful note.