
Does Escape Plan have end credit scenes?


Escape Plan does not have end credit scenes.

Escape Plan

Escape Plan


In this high-stakes thriller, Sylvester Stallone's Ray Breslin - a master of structural security - takes on one final mission: escaping the seemingly impenetrable "Tomb" facility. Wrongly imprisoned, Ray must form an unlikely alliance with fellow inmate Emil Rottmayer (Arnold Schwarzenegger) to devise a daring plan and outsmart the prison's formidable defenses in a desperate bid for freedom.

Runtime: 115 min

Box Office: $137M








User Score


6.7 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in Escape Plan!

Sylvester Stallone stars as Ray Breslin, a mastermind consultant who's been hired by the Federal Bureau of Prisons to put America's most secure prisons to the test. With his sharp wit and cunning instincts, Ray has managed to infiltrate a maximum-security facility in Colorado, assuming a new identity and blending in seamlessly with the inmate population. As he settles into his cell, a whisper from an unseen source reveals that another prisoner has set their sights on taking out Ray in the yard the very next day - a chilling warning that sends a shiver down his spine. The following morning, Ray's worst fears are confirmed as two white supremacists launch a brutal assault on him. But the seasoned consultant isn't about to go quietly into the night; with lightning-quick reflexes and a healthy dose of street smarts, he takes down his attackers and sends them scrambling for cover.

The aftermath of the brawl finds Ray hauled off to a cramped isolation cell, where he's left to stew in his own private hell. His only companion is a worn Bible, which becomes an unlikely tool in his bid for freedom. As the days tick by, Ray uses his keen observational skills to catalog the guards' routines, zeroing in on a tantalizing seven-minute window each day when they step away from their post to take a smoke break. It's during one of these brief respites that Ray's able to procure a crucial piece of evidence - a transparent plastic sheet extracted from the label of his chocolate milk carton.

Armed with this tiny but telling fragment, Ray sets out to create an escape route. With precision and patience, he secretly applies the plastic film over the keypad that controls his cell door, waiting until the guard who's been monitoring him punches in the access code - leaving behind a set of fingerprints that will prove invaluable to Ray's plan. As the moment of truth approaches, Ray carefully extracts the film from the keypad, stashing it away in his Bible along with a few other key items. And then, with the guards none the wiser, he sets out to put his cunning plan into action - a move that will change everything.

As the sun dips below the horizon, a mysterious woman, her raven tresses hidden beneath a sleek brunette wig and shades, emerges from a sleek town car parked near the imposing walls of the prison. With a press of a button on her remote control, she unleashes a precision-guided firebomb, expertly timed to detonate during the guards' mid-day smoke break. The ensuing explosion sends shockwaves through the facility, prompting Ray (no actor name provided) to make a swift exit from his cell and dash towards the guards' control room.

There, he commandeers the closed-circuit monitor, rewinding the video feed to relive the events that transpired hours earlier. With calculated precision, he navigates the prison's labyrinthine corridors, ultimately arriving at the fire station where he dons a bright yellow fireman's uniform and attaches himself to the underside of an incoming fire engine. As the vehicle exits the prison grounds, Ray seamlessly transfers into a waiting van, accompanied by his two trusted associates: Abigail Ross (Amy Ryan) and "Hush" (50 Cent). The trio exchanges banter as they depart, playfully teasing Ray about his impressive escape artist skills.

Their journey culminates at a service station just beyond the prison's perimeter, where Ray steps out to make a phone call. His contact answers, and with a sense of satisfaction, Ray delivers the news: "It's finished." As he hangs up, a Colorado state trooper appears on the scene, responding to a report of a suspicious individual in a prison jumpsuit. Before long, a phalanx of law enforcement officials descends upon Ray, who calmly awaits their arrival.

Later that day, Ray reappears at the prison, this time dressed in attire befitting his refined tastes – a crisp shirt and tailored slacks. Accompanied by his business partner and confidant, Lester Clark (Vincent D'Onofrio), a numbers expert with a knack for crunching statistics, Ray meets with the warden to detail his latest escapade. As he describes the ease with which he escaped the facility, the warden listens intently, scribbling notes as Ray's criticisms and suggestions are met with a mix of fascination and exasperation. The meeting concludes with the warden escorting Ray and Lester out of the prison, their mission accomplished.

In the bustling metropolis of Los Angeles, Breslin & Clark Consultants thrives as a formidable security company, its gears well-oiled and profits rolling in. Meanwhile, Ray and Abigail share a palpable chemistry, while Hush proves to be an exceptional computer specialist. As Ray clocks in at his office, he's summoned by Lester to a conference room where a CIA representative awaits. Jessica Miller (Caitriona Balfe), a no-nonsense officer, presents a unique proposal that sets the wheels of intrigue in motion. In the aftermath of 9/11, the CIA has faced unprecedented scrutiny for its handling of enemy combatants, leading them to develop a covert solution for dealing with undesirables without alerting the ACLU.

The result is a top-secret prison whose location and functions remain classified, but the CIA is willing to sweeten the deal by doubling Ray's $2.5 million fee if he can successfully escape. Abigail and Hush are initially hesitant to accept the job, but Lester convinces Ray that the promise of a $5 million payday is worth the risk. Ray agrees to take on the operation, and Jessica provides him with a cover identity as Portos, a Spanish-born explosives terrorist.

As Ray, Abigail, and Hush await their pickup in New Orleans, tension builds as they count down the minutes until the mission begins. Despite lingering reservations about the mission's implications, Abigail and Hush finally persuade Ray to wear a tracking device, which he begrudgingly agrees to. With a microscopic chip injected into his arm, Ray is unwittingly set up for the sting.

As the clock strikes pick-up time, Ray struts down Bourbon Street, only to be abruptly taken out by a homeless man wielding a taser. The black van arrives, and armed militia types surround him, waving an electronic wand over his body. As it crosses over his shoulder, it emits a beep, signaling the detection of the tracking device. With swift efficiency, they extract the chip from Ray's arm, replacing it with a syringe in his neck that renders him unconscious.

Back at the Bourbon Street hotel, Abigail and Hush frantically monitor their laptop, only to watch as Ray's tracking marker vanishes, leaving them clueless about his whereabouts. The once-thriving operation has officially gone dark, plunging everyone into uncertainty.

Here is a rephrased version of the section:

As Ray's groggy eyes flicker open, he finds himself suspended in a Plexiglas cube, 20 feet above ground, surrounded by identical prison cells and an eerie silence. The reality of his situation slowly dawns on him: he's trapped in a maximum-security facility where brutality is the norm and escape seems like a distant dream. Drake, the ruthless militia guard, taunts Ray with a gruesome display, only to knock him out once more. When Ray finally awakens in his cell, he's met with an unsettling sense of familiarity - this prison has no qualms about brutalizing its inmates.

The warden, Willard Hobbs (Jim Caviezel), greets Ray with a cold, calculating gaze, revealing little interest in the welfare of his prisoners. As Ray tries to process the sheer brutality of the prison system, Hobbs reveals the true nature of this secret facility: it's a high-stakes holding pen for those who've crossed powerful enemies. Among the residents is Emil Rottmayer (Arnold Schwarzenegger), an aged associate of European financier Mannheim, whose many enemies have paid top dollar to keep him contained.

Rottmayer becomes Ray's unlikely ally, offering to grease the wheels in exchange for favors. When Ray requests a visit to solitary confinement, Rottmayer obliges, sparking a violent confrontation that ends with both men being carted off to isolation cells. Days pass as they suffer through the suffocating heat and humidity of their metal boxes, until Dr. Emily Kyrie (Sam Neill), the prison doctor, is summoned by Hobbs to assess their condition.

In a rare moment of compassion, Dr. Kyrie reveals her concerns about Ray's treatment, giving him hope that there might be someone on the inside who can help. As Ray and Rottmayer are returned to general population, Rottmayer asks what secrets Ray uncovered in his metal box. Ray shares his observations: based on the humidity levels, they're likely situated deep beneath the earth, possibly even in an abandoned underground lake repurposed as a prison. The steel boxes, however, have a crucial flaw - they can't cope with moisture. Ray sees an opportunity to escape by concentrating heat on the rusty screws holding his box door shut, but he needs a flat metal disc to superheat them. Rottmayer offers to procure one for him, setting the stage for their next move in this desperate game of survival.

As Rottmeyer's desperation grows, he's whisked away by guards to Hobbs' office, where the elusive prisoner's knowledge of Mannheim's whereabouts would come at a hefty price for Hobbs. But instead of getting the answers he craves, Hobbs is met with a crude drawing of an arrow pointing up a cartoon character's rear end - a move that infuriates him beyond measure. The usually stoic Hobbs loses his composure, ordering his men to unleash their fury on Rottmeyer. As the guards brutalize him, Rottmeyer seizes the opportunity to pilfer a metal drain cover and hide it in his palms, his only solace amidst the chaos.

Back in genpop, Rottmeyer confides in Ray about his plan, and the latter reveals his own strategy for escape. He proposes using his prison-issued toothpaste to buff the stolen metal disc into a highly reflective surface, which would then be used to superheat the screws holding his isolation box together. As they devise their plan, tensions escalate when Rottmeyer picks a fight with Javed (Faran Tahir), the leader of the Muslim population in the prison. The ensuing brawl pits white supremacists against Muslims, with Ray and Rottmeyer caught in the crossfire.

As the situation spirals out of control, Ray cleverly conceals a piece of bread in his jumpsuit, an innocent-looking move that would soon prove crucial to their escape. Dozens of inmates are hauled away to isolation, including Rottmeyer and Ray, who secretly begins disassembling the screws on his box. After hours of painstaking work, the panel finally opens, allowing Ray to access the camera lens and signal Rottmeyer with a well-placed knock.

Meanwhile, Rottmeyer's cries of despair in German distract the guards, giving Ray the window he needs to slip into the ductwork. He navigates the labyrinthine tunnels and air vents, eventually emerging at an access hatch that leads to a massive tube. As he climbs up the piping and electrical cables, his eyes widen as he takes in the stunning vista: the prison is an oil tanker, a behemoth floating on the open ocean. Ray's awestruck silence is broken only by his nervous ducking out of sight from approaching guards.

As he makes his way back down into the ship, Ray's foot slips, triggering a chain reaction that floods the ductwork with water. Back in isolation, Hobbs arrives to investigate Rottmeyer's hysterical outbursts, unaware of the chaos brewing beneath him. As the sea water rises, the prisoners grow more agitated, and eventually, they're released from their cells one by one - except for Ray, who finds himself struggling against the rising tide.

In the aftermath of the flood, Hobbs and Drake try to pinpoint the source of the disaster, but their search is in vain. The only clue left behind is a single rusty screw perched atop the access panel, leading Drake to conclude that the water must have dislodged it. But Hobbs remains skeptical, his suspicions piqued by Ray's sudden involvement in the chaos. As the guards drag Ray back into his cell, he knows his life is about to become a living hell - courtesy of Hobbs and his men.

As Abigail (character) storms into Lester's (actor name) office, the weight of the CIA-issued multi-million dollar check in her hand seems to be the only thing keeping her upright. The check, once a symbol of freedom and liberation for Ray, now hangs in limbo, frozen like her emotions. Lester's nonchalant demeanor is a stark contrast to Abigail's frantic energy as she berates him with pleas to release the funds, her desperation fueled by a growing paranoia about everyone around her. With her ire spent, Abigail departs, only to find solace in an unlikely ally: Hush (actor name). Together, they embark on a digital sleuthing adventure, scouring the depths of the internet for any shred of information that might lead them to their goal. And then, like a beacon of hope, it appears: the concept for a prison eerily similar to the one holding Ray. The only mystery remaining is its location, leaving Abigail's hopes hanging precariously in the balance.

As the darkness of despair settles over Ray, he musters a glimmer of hope in the mess hall, where he breaks the news to Rottmayer: they're lost at sea, with no recognizable landmarks on the horizon, only the celestial map of stars to guide them. Undeterred, Ray sets his mind to crafting a makeshift sextant from everyday objects, a feat reminiscent of the resourceful ingenuity of MacGyver himself. With the device in hand, he passes it to Rottmeyer mere moments before they're ambushed by Hobb's trio of ruthless guards.

The next few days become a living hell for Ray as the guards torment him ceaselessly, denying him even the basic necessities of sleep, food, and breathing space. As Ray struggles to maintain his sanity, he and Rottmeyer concoct a plan to exploit Javed's desperation and get their hands on a vital piece of information. They approach Javed, still seething from his recent confinement in the brig, with an offer: they'll help him escape in exchange for his cooperation. Javed, convinced by Rottmeyer's promise to secure his freedom, agrees to play along. He informs Hobb that Ray is plotting a daring escape, and offers to provide Hobbs with updates on his plan in exchange for the chance to perform his daily prayers outside.

Meanwhile, an unknown figure reveals to Hobbs over the phone that Portos is actually none other than the notorious prison-breaker, Ray Breslin - a revelation that sends shockwaves through Hobb's office. As the truth begins to unravel, Hobbs summons Ray to his lair and boasts about designing his supposedly inescapable prison based on Breslin's own published book of escape techniques.

Determined to keep his true identity under wraps, Ray feigns cooperation with Hobbs, offering to work together to extract information from Rottmeyer. That night, Javed seizes the opportunity to mark their location on Ray's map, using the sextant to chart a course through the stars. With this crucial information in hand, Ray calculates that they're drifting off the coast of Morocco, but knows that without a message to the outside world, their chances of escape remain slim.

In the infirmary, Rottmeyer's treachery strikes again as he stabs Ray in the leg, prompting an emergency visit from Dr. Kyrie. As Ray receives treatment for his wound, he seizes the chance to remind the doctor of his sworn oath and convinces him to send out a coded message to Rottmeyer's allies, revealing their location and setting the stage for their eventual escape.

As Ray (actor name), Rottmayer, and Javed plot their daring escape from the depths of the prison, they devise a clever ruse to deceive the guards. The trio, hailing from cellblock A and C respectively, concoct a scheme to orchestrate chaos in cellblock C while simultaneously staging a riot in their own block. The ploy proves successful, as the understaffed guards are quickly overwhelmed by the inmates' frenzy. As the mayhem ensues, Ray, Rottmayer, and Javed seize the opportunity to neutralize multiple guards, pilfer their firearms, and synchronize their watches. Meanwhile, Rottmayer's associates, alerted by Dr. Kyrie, prepare to launch an attack helicopter towards the prison ship, with a scheduled arrival time of 11 minutes. With a narrow window of escape at hand, the trio makes its way up a service ladder and finally reaches the hatch just below the surface.

However, their plans are foiled when Hobbs, alerted to the commotion in cellblock A, orders a complete shutdown of the prison. The blast doors slam shut across the facility, magnetically locking all surface hatches. Ray, Rottmayer, and Javed reach the hatch mere seconds too late, trapping themselves below. As time ticks away, they retreat down the ladder and conceal themselves from prying eyes.

Ray devises a new plan to restart the ship's electrical system in the engine room, aiming to temporarily unlock the surface hatches. Hobbs' guards discover the trio and open fire, prompting Rottmayer and Ray to return fire while Javed falls to the ground wounded. Ray hands Javed his gun and instructs Rottmayer to tend to him before rushing off to the engine room.

As time runs out, Rottmayer glances at his watch, realizing their narrow margin for escape. Javed, despite his injury, requests Rottmayer's gun and orders him to ascend the ladder. With remarkable bravery, Javed takes down dozens of guards with precision gunfire before being fatally struck by Hobbs' men.

As Ray bursts into the engine room, he finds minimal opposition, and with swift efficiency, manually shuts down the ship's battery cache. One by one, the prison's lights and electrical systems flicker out, while on the surface, the hatch opens for Rottmayer (character name). With calculated stealth, Rottmayer emerges from the hatch, concealing himself as guards on the bridge unleash a barrage of gunfire.

Meanwhile, Drake corners Ray in the engine room, sparking a brutal hand-to-hand combat. Despite being overpowered, Ray manages to deliver a devastating kick, sending Drake tumbling down the stairs, where he meets his fatal demise in a crimson pool. On the surface, Rottmayer's aerial assault team arrives in an attack chopper, peppering the bridge and its defenders with gunfire.

As Rottmayer's men hastily land their chopper, they plead with him to jump aboard, but he refuses – they cannot depart without securing Ray. Undeterred, Rottmayer takes up a machine gun, mowing down wave after wave of guards in a hail of bullets.

Hobbs arrives at the engine room, only to find that Ray has vanished into thin air. Unbeknownst to him, Ray has cleverly concealed himself within a half-filled water tank, its briny contents soon to become his temporary abode.

As Hobbs reactivates the ship's systems, one by one, he unwittingly sets in motion a chain reaction. The water tank rapidly fills with sea water, and before long, Ray is submerged up to his hairline. Unfazed, Hobbs continues his search for Ray, oblivious to the fact that the water tank has an automated flushing mechanism, which promptly empties its contents into the ocean – taking Ray with it.

Above deck, Rottmayer and the helicopter pilot take to the skies, engaging in a fierce firefight with guards as they scour the ship for their quarry. As Hobbs orders his men to open fire on the helicopter, the two adversaries clash in a ferocious gun battle.

In a daring move, Rottmayer manages to toss Ray, suspended by a rope, a pistol. With lightning speed, Ray fires at a pallet of explosive tanks directly beneath Hobbs, sending them detonating and taking their commander with them. This brief window of chaos affords Ray and Rottmayer the opportunity to make their escape to Morocco, leaving the chaos behind.

As the helicopter's rotors whir above the sun-kissed Moroccan beach, Ray and Rottmayer make a daring leap onto the sand. Ray's confusion is palpable as he queries about Mannheim's people, only to have his doubts shattered by Rottmayer's startling revelation: he is none other than Mannheim himself. A rugged pickup truck, flanked by two heavily armed soldiers, roars into view, and its driver emerges to open the rear door, allowing Jessica Miller, Mannheim's CIA agent daughter, to step out. With a knowing glint in his eye, Mannheim/Rottmayer reveals that they deliberately orchestrated this mission to capitalize on Ray Breslin's exceptional escape skills, knowing he was the only one capable of breaking free from Hobbs' notorious prison. As Rottmayer climbs aboard the pickup with his daughter, he extends an olive branch to Ray, inviting him to join them for a ride, which our hero politely declines, and they disappear into the Moroccan haze.

Meanwhile, back in Los Angeles, Abigail awaits Ray's return, her expression a mixture of concern and curiosity. As they converse, she divulges the shocking truth: Hobbs' illicit prison organization had been secretly working with Breslin & Clark to eliminate their most formidable rival – Ray himself. The mastermind behind this scheme was none other than Lester Clark, who stood to gain a small fortune by offering his services as a warden to the very same organization that had once imprisoned him. And, as it turns out, Lester is currently in Miami, engaged in high-level negotiations with these nefarious characters. The scene shifts to a sleek skyscraper elevator, where Lester Clark strides confidently into the glass-enclosed car, briefcase in hand, only to be abruptly interrupted by Hush's stealthy appearance. A swift and silent takedown ensues, leaving Lester groggy and disoriented.

As the hours tick by, Lester slowly regains consciousness to find himself trapped inside a storage container, stacked precariously atop hundreds of others on a cargo ship eerily reminiscent of Hobbs' prison stronghold. The camera pulls back, revealing the extent of his predicament – a prisoner within a prison, with no escape in sight.

In a separate orbit, Ray and Abigail exchange playful banter as they stroll through an airport hangar, ultimately boarding a luxurious private jet, ready to take their next move on the high-stakes game board.