
Does Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa have end credit scenes?


Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa has end credit scenes.

Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa

Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa


In this hilarious adventure, the lovable gang from Madagascar returns, with Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria, King Julien, Maurice, and the penguins joining forces to escape the island. With a DIY repaired plane, they soar above the clouds and land in Africa, where they discover their roots and encounter exotic species.

Runtime: 89 min

Box Office: $604M








User Score






User Score


6.6 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa!

In a sun-kissed African reserve, the life of Alekai, a rambunctious lion cub, was forever altered by his father Zuba's wisdom and guidance. As Zuba, with an Africa-shaped birthmark on his paw, imparted valuable lessons to his young son, the pair's harmony was disrupted by Makunga (Alec Baldwin), a cunning lion who harbored ambitions to supplant Zuba as the alpha male. The ensuing confrontation saw Zuba firmly establish his dominance, but not before Alekai wandered off and fell prey to the insidious poachers.

The fates of father and son became inextricably linked as Zuba, gravely injured while attempting to rescue Alekai, managed to free his son's crate just as it was about to succumb to the treacherous waters. The crate eventually washed up on the shores of New York City (pre-2001), where Alekai, now known as Alex the Lion (Ben Stiller), would captivate audiences at the city zoo with his charismatic charm.

Years passed, and Alex's popularity continued to soar, but beneath the surface, Marty the Zebra (Chris Rock) harbored a deep-seated desire to escape the confines of their urban environment and reconnect with nature. For him, this meant venturing into the wilds of Connecticut. Meanwhile, the public's fascination with the quartet of animals from Madagascar - Alex, Gloria the Hippo (Jada Pinkett Smith), Melman the Giraffe (David Schwimmer), and Marty - only grew stronger in the aftermath of their thrilling escapades.

A television news report brought to light their extraordinary journey, which had culminated in a hair-raising encounter with the formidable Nana (Elisa Gabrielli). The subsequent outcry from animal rights activists led to the four friends being returned to their natural habitat. As they embarked on their voyage back home, their ship vanished into the horizon, leaving behind a sense of longing among New Yorkers.

In a remote corner of Madagascar, the same quartet of friends prepared for their long-awaited return journey, aided by the enigmatic penguins and the flamboyant King Julien (Sacha Baron Cohen) of the lemurs, who made his grand entrance dressed as a cake. Maurice (Cedric the Entertainer), Mason, and Phil, two mischievous monkeys, accompanied them on this odyssey. With the lemurs' unorthodox assistance, their aircraft took to the skies, setting the stage for a new chapter in their extraordinary lives.

As the plane plummets towards the earth, Marty (Marty), Alex, and Melman's cries of terror are drowned out by King Julien's exuberant whoops as he treats the impending doom like a thrill ride. The hatch bursts open, and Maurice is sucked out along with Julien, their parachute deploying as the eccentric lemur yells "I can fly!" Alex confesses to breaking Marty's iPod back at the zoo, but his apology is short-lived as Melman reveals his long-held secret love for Gloria.

The plane crashes, and the dust settles, revealing a strange new landscape. The penguins, led by Skipper, celebrate their safe landing, unaware that Julien and Maurice are missing. Alex and Skipper initially bicker over repairs, with Private pulling out a switchblade knife at one point. Their squabble is interrupted by the discovery of a tourist jeep and a cell phone left behind by an elderly woman (Nana from the first film) - a familiar face who had previously given Alex a sound thrashing.

As they explore their surroundings, the group discovers a stunning vista teeming with life - hippos, lions, zebras, and giraffes. Melman's initial hesitation gives way to excitement as he realizes they're not in San Diego after all (he's only 40% sure this time). The group soon finds themselves face-to-face with Zuba, Alex's long-lost father, who recognizes his son from the distinctive birthmark on his paw. Meanwhile, Matunga is plotting to exploit Alex and Zuba's rivalry to further his own ambitions.

Marty becomes fast friends with a herd of zebras who all sound eerily like him, welcoming him into their fold. Gloria, meanwhile, catches the eye of Moto Moto (Will.I.Am), the charismatic hippo "hunk". Melman, ever the optimist, meets the giraffes and is horrified to learn that they have no medical treatment for illness, simply allowing sick giraffes to wither away in a hole. Moved by their plight, Melman volunteers to become their witch doctor, determined to save them from this fate.

As tensions build, Matunga challenges Alex to a rite of passage - a test of strength and cunning that will determine the fate of the group. Meanwhile, Melman's world is turned upside down when he learns that his peculiar neck markings are symptoms of "witch doctor's disease" - a condition that will claim his life within 48 hours unless he can find a cure.

As the penguins hijack safari vehicles, rendering many of the tourists, including the wise and aged Nana (from the first film), stranded in the African reserve, the primates bring an entourage of monkeys to lend a hand in repairing the plane. Meanwhile, Nana takes charge, leading the tourists in a quest for survival. In a ritualistic dance-off, Alex is blindsided by a powerful punch from his opponent, leaving him reeling. Matunga seizes the opportunity to ask Zuba to banish Alex, but the wise leader is unable to do so, prompting Matunga to take matters into his own paws and claim the title of Alpha lion.

As the days tick by, Alex's companions Melman and Marty are consumed by their individual struggles. Marty is heartbroken, realizing that every zebra he sees resembles him, while Melman is grappling with the harsh reality that his time is running out - a fact that only adds to his despair as Gloria frolics with Moto Moto. Julien and Maurice intervene, urging Melman to confess his feelings to Gloria, which he does in a shocking display of vulnerability.

As the reserve's water source dries up, Alex embarks on a perilous journey beyond the safety of the reserve, leaving himself vulnerable to hunters. His quest leads him to recognize Marty through a familiar bite mark, and together they venture forth. The news of Alex's departure reaches Zuba, who springs into action, racing to his son's side with Mom by his side.

Meanwhile, back at the watering hole, Moto Moto's excavation efforts yield an unexpected bounty: diamonds and gold. Julien and Maurice arrive on the scene, declaring that a sacrificial offering to the volcano will appease the water gods. Melman, convinced he has only hours left, volunteers for the task, much to Gloria's protests and desperation to change his mind.

In the midst of this chaos, Alex and Marty navigate the eerie woods, eventually stumbling upon the source of the water blockage: a dam constructed by the New York tourists, led by Nana. As Alex becomes entangled in a rope trap, he instructs Marty to seek help, leaving him to face the unknown alone.

As Melman teeters precariously on the edge of the volcano's fiery depths, Joe, the venerable witch doctor, appears like a specter, his words piercing the tension. "All giraffes possess brown spots," he declares, dismissing the notion of "witch doctor's disease" as a myth. Gloria rushes to Melman's side, her urgency tempered by a tumble that leaves her grasping at his horns. Amidst this chaos, the two confess their love for each other, their emotions momentarily eclipsing the dire circumstances.

Meanwhile, the plane lies in ruins at the crash site, where Skipper is engaged in a heated battle of wits with Mason and Phil, who are demanding maternity leave – an anomaly, given the all-male monkey contingent. Gloria, Melman, and Marty converge on the scene, their pleas for haste falling on deaf ears until Phil produces incriminating photographs of Skipper and his cherished bobble-head doll. The union is broken, and the monkeys spring into action.

In the midst of this chaos, Alex finds himself at the mercy of a group of tourists who intend to roast him for dinner. Zuba's timely intervention frees Alex, who then unleashes his signature dance moves, captivating the New Yorkers and earning Zuba's enthusiastic participation. However, Nana remains resolute in her desire to consume them, brandishing a shotgun as she targets her prey. Just as all hope seems lost, the plane appears overhead, dangling a bucket filled with monkeys linked hand-to-hand. The lions take refuge within, courtesy of some miscommunication up the chain, which inadvertently prompts the penguins to demolish the dam. Nana, out of ammunition, brandishes her purse mere moments before the bucket strikes the dam, releasing a torrent of water that sends the river back down its natural course.

As the drama unfolds at the volcano, Julien and Maurice stand alone at the precipice, grappling with the weight of their sacrifice. Their introspection is interrupted by Mort's unexpected reappearance – he has miraculously survived the fall and oceanic perils only to face a behemoth shark that has pursued him inland. As the predator lunges at the lemurs, they cling to the edge of the precipice, watching in horror as the shark plummets to its fiery demise below. The sudden appearance of water flowing towards the watering hole provides them with a glimmer of hope – perhaps their sacrifice has paid off after all.

As the parched animals revel in the sweet sight of restored water, their jubilation is amplified by the arrival of Alex and Zuba (played by) proudly standing atop the capsule, gently gliding across the water's surface towards them. However, Makunga soon crashes the party, his haughty demeanor a stark contrast to the joyous atmosphere. Despite bringing back the precious liquid, he reminds everyone that Alex remains banished - a fact Alex is quick to counter with a surprising gift for Makunga: Nana's iconic handbag. As Makunga accepts the token with a grin, little does he know that it comes equipped with an unexpected surprise: Nana herself, who materializes from within the capsule and lets out a blood-curdling "Bad kitty!" as she attacks her would-be possessor, dragging him away by the ear. Zuba, undeterred, retrieves the fallen scepter and presents it to Alex, only to be rebuffed - but not before insisting they share the symbol of their dual Alpha Lion status, bringing the animals one step closer to unity.

The scene shifts to a vibrant celebration, where we're initially led to believe Gloria and Melman (played by) are the stars of the show. However, our attention soon turns to the true focal point: Skipper's unconventional union with his hula dancer bobble-head doll, held together by duct tape. Melman can't help but offer a wry commentary on the marriage's long-term viability. As the penguins and monkeys prepare for takeoff in their Monte Carlo-bound plane, fueled by the treasure they'd earlier uncovered, Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria, and the lemurs settle in for an extended stay in Africa - with Zuba graciously offering them a place to call home. Despite initial reservations, Zuba's expression softens as he breaks into his signature "happy face/angry face" routine, leaving everyone in stitches. As the group laughs together, Melman and Gloria share a tender moment, their love for one another palpable - capped off by Melman's tearful declaration of what he loves most about her.