
Does I Feel Pretty have end credit scenes?


I Feel Pretty does not have end credit scenes.

I Feel Pretty

I Feel Pretty


A self-doubting everywoman's life is turned upside down after a tumble, as she wakes up convinced of her extraordinary beauty and charisma. Empowered by her newfound confidence, she takes on the world with gusto, but the question remains: how will she cope when reality sets in and her appearance stays stuck in ordinary?

Runtime: 110 min

Box Office: $95M








User Score






User Score


5.6 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in I Feel Pretty!

Renee Bennett (Amy Schumer), a self-conscious 30-something woman struggling to reconcile her genuine worth with the societal pressures of beauty standards, embarks on a journey of self-discovery. The film begins by immersing us in Renee's daily routine, where we witness the subtle yet poignant moments that shape her insecurities. A visit to a clothing store sets the tone, as she's reminded of her "plus size" being better suited for online shopping. Later, at a Soul Cycle class, a chance encounter with a stunning woman who defies traditional beauty norms leaves Renee perplexed and pleasantly surprised by the stranger's kindness.

However, this momentary reprieve from self-doubt is short-lived, as Renee's bicycle seat collapses during the class, resulting in an awkward and painful mishap. As she struggles to make sense of her physical limitations, we're left wondering if it's not just a matter of body type, but rather a reflection of societal expectations.

That night, Renee confides in her two best friends, Vivian (Aidy Bryant) and Jane (Busy Philipps), over drinks and dancing. As they navigate the challenges of online dating, Renee finds herself struggling to assert her confidence behind the lens of social media. Her self-doubt seeps into every aspect of her life, from her inability to secure drinks at the bar to her despairing gazes in the mirror.

The next day, we're introduced to Renee's unglamorous reality as an employee at LeClaire Cosmetics, working in a dingy basement office in Chinatown. Her mundane tasks are juxtaposed with her lofty aspirations of working in the main office downtown. Mason (Adrian Martinez), her awkward co-worker, only adds to her frustration, sharing his peculiar nocturnal habits. Renee's professional life is marred by the pressure to meet expectations, as a minor issue with a photographed product sparks a sense of inadequacy.

In the sleek, high-rise offices that serve as the headquarters of their cosmetics empire, Avery LeClaire (Michelle Williams), a vision of elegance with a whisper-soft voice, convenes with her team. Her mother, Lily (Lauren Hutton), the founder and driving force behind the company, oversees the meeting with a keen eye. The conversation revolves around the underwhelming performance of their latest product line, designed to be more affordable and accessible for mass-market appeal. However, despite the campaign's best efforts, sales remain sluggish, and the team is struggling to connect with their target audience.

The following day, Renee finds herself in a chance encounter at a Target store with none other than the Soul Cycle enthusiast from her earlier interactions. As they chat about the challenges of navigating life as a beautiful individual, a rude interloper interrupts their conversation, reducing Renee to frustration and awe at the constant attention the woman must face. The intruder's departure leaves Renee pondering the intricacies of living in the spotlight.

At work, a technical issue requires Renee to manually print out and deliver a stack of reports to the downtown office. Upon her arrival, she engages with the office's temporary receptionist, an intern who seems more interested in being a beauty guru than actually performing her duties. As Renee takes in the sights and sounds of the high-end office space, she can't help but be drawn to Lily's commanding presence as she walks through the room.

Later that evening, Renee finds herself lost in the whimsical world of Tom Hanks' iconic film "Big." The poignant scene where he yearns to grow taller resonates deeply with her. In a moment of fleeting fantasy, Renee dashes out into the rain, flipping a coin into a nearby fountain and making a heartfelt wish to be beautiful. However, as she gazes into her compact mirror, reality check: her physical appearance remains unchanged.

The next day, Renee ventures into the world of high-intensity exercise at Soul Cycle, this time ensuring a snug fit on her seat. The instructor's fervent declarations about destiny and miracles resonated deeply with her, as if the motivational phrases were being tailor-made specifically for her ears. As the class commences, disaster strikes: Renee's shoe dislodges from the cycle, sending her tumbling to the floor, where she cracks her head and becomes entangled in a neighbor's bike wheel. She succumbs to unconsciousness.

When Renee awakens, she finds herself in a locker room, attended to by an empathetic employee (Sasheer Zamata), who tends to her wounds with an ice pack and a complimentary bandanna. As she regains consciousness, Renee begins to explore her limbs, exhibiting a mixture of fascination and alarm, much to the employee's concern. Her gaze then turns inward, as she approaches the mirror, only to be stunned by the reflection staring back: a stunningly beautiful and physically fit version of herself (though, in reality, everyone else still perceives her as overweight).

Convinced that the world sees her in this new light, Renee embarks on a transformation, exuding the confidence of someone blessed with those enviable physical attributes. Her newfound persona takes her to pick up dry cleaning, where she encounters Ethan (Rory Scovel) behind her in line. They strike up a conversation, and Renee jokes about the dry cleaner's unpredictable numbering system. When Ethan asks what her number is, she misinterprets his interest as a flirtation, prompting her to exchange phones with him so they can enter each other's numbers. As she's handed her vomit-stained garments (the dry cleaner having failed to remove the offending substance), Ethan remains perplexed by Renee's bold and outgoing demeanor, even in the face of such an embarrassing situation.

As Renee's self-assurance continues to soar, she takes the bold step of submitting her resume for the receptionist position at the office. When she's called in for an interview, she walks into the room where everyone seems taken aback by her presence - a reaction she misinterprets as being rooted in her stunning physical appearance, rather than her unconventional career choice. Despite the subtle hints from Avery and Helen (Naomi Campbell) that she may not be the ideal fit, Renee's unwavering confidence allows her to overlook these indicators and secures her the job. However, it becomes clear that Avery sees potential in having Renee nearby, tapping into her everywoman appeal to gain valuable insight for marketing their new budget cosmetics line.

Meanwhile, Renee reunites with her friends, attempting to ease them into accepting this new version of herself. She shares intimate details only she would know, such as their long-abandoned plan to get 90210-themed tattoos (a decision Vivian had already taken the plunge on). With no discernible difference in appearance, her companions go along with the ruse. The trio subsequently checks their dating app profiles, only to find that they've garnered zero attention - a situation Renee suggests can be rectified by taking new photos featuring her newly radiant physique.

As she begins her new life as a receptionist, Renee stops by her old office to bid farewell to Mason, who's valiantly trying to complete his business in the bathroom. She cryptically reminds him that he should have made a move on her when he had the chance, prompting Mason to beg for peace so he can finish his task. With her goodbyes said and done, Renee settles into her new role, exuding confidence and positivity as she stocks a mini fridge under her desk with fresh cold water and offers straws to visitors.

When a meeting attendee arrives at the office, expecting to be in the wrong place due to Renee's breathtaking appearance, it's her warm demeanor and infectious friendliness that ultimately wins the woman over. With this newfound sense of belonging, Renee is poised to make a lasting impact on her new workplace.

As Grant LeClaire (Grant LeClaire) makes his approach, Renee finds herself caught off guard by the celebrity's unexpected visit. With a mix of curiosity and apprehension, she reveals that she's been keeping tabs on him through the media, even going so far as to stock up on his favorite green health beverage in her mini fridge, inspired by a tabloid snapshot. Her lighthearted banter about his numerous romantic connections is met with an endearing display of refreshment from Grant, who seems genuinely impressed by Avery's (Avery) decision to hire Renee.

Later that day, as Renee carries a tray of water into a staff meeting focused on the new budget makeup line, her momentum falters when she accidentally knocks a blush compact out of an employee's hand. With a sheepish grin, she kneels down to pick it up and is taken aback by the absence of an applicator in the packaging. Avery gently chides Renee for her oversight, pointing out that familiarity with the brand would have revealed this crucial detail. Renee posits that everyday women often find themselves applying their makeup on-the-go, sans brushes, and that a budget-friendly option should accommodate these realities. Her astute observation earns her a warm thank you from Avery, who seems genuinely interested in Renee's perspective.

That evening, Renee takes matters into her own hands by extending an invitation to Ethan under the guise of making it easier for him to ask her out due to her beauty. However, she flips the script and asks him out instead. Ethan's initial befuddlement gives way to a charming day spent strolling with Renee, culminating in a visit to a beachside bar hosting a bikini contest. As they're about to enter the fray, Renee reveals her true intentions: to participate in the competition and claim the $500 prize. Her determination prompts Ethan's concern, as he worries about the potential for ridicule or humiliation she might face among the contest's young and slender competitors.

As Renee takes center stage, her unbridled enthusiasm and bold stage presence captivate the audience, earning her thunderous applause despite not taking home the coveted prize. Ethan is left beaming with admiration for her unwavering confidence, which Renee confirms by declaring she's more concerned with embracing her inner beauty than external validation. Their banter-filled encounter culminates in a sultry night of passion, marked by tender moments and playful exchanges. As they surrender to their desires, Renee's unapologetic display of her physical assets in the mirror above the bed only heightens the intimacy, leaving both participants breathless. The morning after, Ethan is still marveling at Renee's fearlessness as they bask in the aftermath of their night together.

Later, Avery seeks out Renee's counsel, pleading for guidance on how to revamp her struggling makeup line. As it becomes apparent that Avery's beauty and gentle tone often undermine her authority, Renee agrees to take the reins and spearhead the campaign. With Avery's encouragement, Renee is invited to join a high-stakes dinner meeting with the company's power players to discuss the future of their budget-friendly cosmetics. When Avery suggests Renee bring along a plus-one to make a more lasting impression, Renee coyly reveals she has already secured a partner for the evening – a detail that leaves Ethan wondering what other surprises this bold and vivacious woman might have in store.

As the evening wears on, Renee (Renee) and Ethan attend an upscale dinner engagement at a renowned eatery, where they find themselves in the company of all three members of the LeClaire family. It becomes palpably clear that Grant is enamored with Renee, whose charm and poise effortlessly impress Lily as she regales her with candid insights about her budget cosmetics line. The opportunity arises for Renee to attend a pivotal meeting with Target's representatives in Boston, an event she insists Lily join her for. As the dinner party comes to a close, Renee sets out to reunite with her friends at a Chinese restaurant, where rumors have long circulated about a hidden speakeasy lurking in the shadows.

Upon arrival, Renee and her companions are met with an air of mystery as no one seems willing to reveal the secrets of this enigmatic back room. As they settle in for dinner, Renee's ire is piqued by what she perceives as their lack of effort to dress up as requested, a perceived slight that sends her into a subtle but palpable funk. Her friends, however, remain unfazed by Renee's sudden rudeness and brush it off as an isolated moment.

The evening takes a dramatic turn when a procession of models pours in, drawing Renee away from her companions like a moth to flame. She returns to the table with a knowing glint in her eye, revealing that only she has been given special permission to enter the exclusive area. With her friends' reluctant consent, Renee disappears into the unknown, leaving them alone and pondering their uncertain fate.

The following night finds Renee once again gathering her friends for an evening of revelry. The dating app has yielded a trio of prospective suitors, although Ethan's presence in Renee's life would suggest otherwise. Undeterred, Renee agrees to participate in the charade, only to reveal a jarring lack of empathy and kindness towards her friends as she disrupts their attempts to connect with the men, instead painting them as unattractive, boring individuals with "potential". The men are clearly taken aback by Renee's demeanor, and her friends intervene, urging her to explain her behavior. Renee, however, remains oblivious to the distress she has caused, instead choosing to exit the scene, leaving her companions to ponder the nature of their tumultuous relationship with Renee.

As the private jet soars through the skies, Renee (character) boards with a sense of purpose, ready to take on the Boston meeting that's been waiting in the wings. Little does she know, fate has other plans - Avery, her colleague, is already seated on the plane, his eyes heavy-lidded from a recent dose of sleeping pills. As Renee tries to prep for her presentation, Avery's snores become the soundtrack to their flight, and she finds herself gravitating towards Grant, whose interest in her has reached a fever pitch.

Their conversation flows effortlessly, like a gentle stream meandering through the rolling hills, until they find themselves at the hotel, where Grant knocks on Renee's door with an air of nonchalance. His claim that Avery had blocked his ability to charge room service to their adjacent rooms rings hollow, and it becomes increasingly clear that he's angling for more than just a plate of eggs benedict.

As Renee becomes increasingly uneasy, her phone buzzes with a photo text from Ethan (character), jolting her back to reality. The spell is broken, and Grant's advances are rebuffed with a forceful shove into the bedroom. Renee makes a hasty retreat to the bathroom, claiming a sudden onset of diarrhea as her excuse.

But as she steps under the glass shower, the world around her begins to spin, and she crashes to the floor, unconscious. When she awakens, her forehead is a mess of blood and bruises, and the gravity of her situation becomes all too clear - she's missed her meeting with Avery, and time is running out.

As she stumbles down to the hotel lobby, Renee runs into Mason (character), an A/V tech expert brought along for the ride. His recognition of her sends her reeling, like a boat caught in a riptide, as she realizes that her new self has been replaced by her old self once again. The mirror's reflection shows a face she thought she'd left behind, and Renee is devastated.

In a desperate bid to salvage what's left, she gives Mason her presentation, instructing him to deliver it to Avery on her behalf. And with a heavy heart, she flees back home, leaving the uncertainty of her future hanging in the balance like a cloud threatening to rain down at any moment.

As Renee settles into the comfort of her own space, the digital realm brings forth a surprise video call from Ethan (actor name). His enthusiasm to reconnect with her is palpable, but she cleverly conceals herself from view, careful not to betray her true appearance. She concocts an excuse about injuring her back on the plane and, feigning vulnerability, asks for his help in recovering. Ethan obliges, offering to tend to her at home, only to be met with a new obstacle: her apartment is undergoing fumigation due to an ant infestation. Undeterred, he proposes whisking her away to a more suitable location, prompting Renee to realize the inconsistencies in her narrative. Reluctantly, she agrees to a date on Saturday, but her inner turmoil and grief over her perceived loss of beauty soon overwhelm her. As she becomes increasingly intoxicated, her visit to Vivian's home reveals an unexpected development: Vivian and Jane have simultaneously paired off with their respective matches from the dating app. Vivian's brutal honesty about Renee's past cruelty towards them serves as a harsh reminder, leading Renee to beat a hasty retreat in rejection.

The following day, Renee returns to her familiar haunt at Soul Cycle, driven by an insatiable desire to recapture her former physical glory. Her attempts to recreate the accident that left her injured are thwarted, however, and she finds herself face-to-face with the stunning woman who had previously caught her eye in the locker room. The latter reveals her broken-hearted state, having been recently jilted. Renee's incredulity at this turn of events prompts a thoughtless remark about the woman's perceived intelligence, which sparks an emotional response from the wronged party. As they make amends, Renee begins to grasp the weight of societal assumptions and biases that often accompany physical beauty.

The morning after her encounter with the beautiful woman, Renee awakens to a flurry of missed calls from Avery. In a heartfelt voicemail, Avery confesses that her presentation in Boston was a disappointing failure, and she implores Renee to return and help salvage the situation. That evening, Renee arrives at the restaurant where she is scheduled to meet Ethan, still convinced that he fell in love with her former, radiant self. Seating herself about 50 feet away from him, she sends a text message expressing her tardiness due to work obligations, fully expecting him to take advantage of the situation and cancel their date. Instead, Ethan becomes captivated by this new persona, interpreting her texts as a flirtatious game. He takes a seat beside her, playing along as if he has no prior knowledge of her true identity. With a charming smile, he inquires about his own girlfriend's whereabouts while suggesting they share a drink together – oblivious to Renee's growing unease and the fact that she is, indeed, the same person he once fell for.

As Renee's emotions unravel in response to being labelled "girlfriend," she implores him about his own romantic connection, only to be showered with effusive praise, unwittingly shattering the illusion of a perceived idealized perception. The revelation crushes her, and she departs the establishment, subsequently severing ties over the phone, leaving him bewildered.

Renee endeavors to mend fences while simultaneously lending support to Avery amidst the chaos. She persuades her friends to attend the lavish launch party for LeClaire's novel cosmetics line, subsequently orchestrating a behind-the-scenes takeover with Mason. As Avery struggles to present, Mason deftly silences the audio and extinguishes the lights, prompting Avery's abrupt exit from the stage. Renee then materializes behind a translucent screen, attempting to defy gravity three times (each attempt ending in a resounding splat against the barrier), mere moments before Vivian and Jane arrive at the scene.

Renee reappears on stage, displaying a photograph of herself as a receptionist at LeClaire's office, juxtaposing it with an image of her working in the Chinatown basement. With a hint of irony, she asks whether everyone would be astonished to behold her in this unpolished form, rather than the picture-perfect beauty they've always known. As she turns to confront the images, Renee is struck by the realization that the mystical spell never truly took hold; instead, every individual saw her for who she genuinely was – not as an idealized version.

Seizing the opportunity to impart a powerful message, Renee delivers an uplifting speech about the inherent beauty of every woman. She touches on the phenomenon of young girls' innate confidence being eroded by societal pressures, and how LeClaire aims to empower women to recapture their natural state of self-assurance. As she presents, photos of diverse women of varying sizes, colors, and ages – including Jane and Vivian – are projected onto the screen, driving home her message.

The presentation concludes on a triumphant note, with Renee offering a heartfelt apology to Avery. Though he finds the display unconventional, it resonates with the audience, highlighting LeClaire's commitment to employee mental health benefits. As Renee exits the stage, she is met with an offer of reinstatement at her job, should she choose to return.

As Renee's epiphany sets in, she hastens to Ethan's doorstep, an emotional storm brewing within her. With a mix of trepidation and urgency, she activates the video intercom, pouring out her heart to him as she explains that their parting was a personal choice, not a reflection on his worthiness. Unbeknownst to her, however, her fingers wander to her nostrils, and with the camera capturing every intimate detail, she engages in a subconscious habit. Ethan, sensing an opportunity to bridge the gap between them, bursts forth from his home, tenderly retrieving what she couldn't quite grasp herself. As they share a hearty laugh and a warm embrace, the tension dissipates, replaced by a renewed sense of connection.

The final shot whisks viewers away to Renee's Soul Cycle class, where she's now pedaling with purpose rather than pretension. Gone are the days of fantasizing about a perfect life; instead, she's driven by a genuine desire for self-improvement. The camera zooms in on her resolute, radiant face, her eyes aglow with determination as she attacks the exercise with unbridled enthusiasm. As the blackness envelops the screen, it's clear that Renee has finally found the motivation to focus on herself, and a newfound sense of fulfillment is within her grasp.