
Does Catwoman have end credit scenes?


Catwoman does not have end credit scenes.




In "Catwoman", meek graphic designer Patience Philips (Halle Berry) trades apologies for empowerment as she uncovers the sinister secrets behind Hedare Beauty's revolutionary anti-aging product. As she confronts the truth, Patience is transformed into a bold and mysterious vigilante, driven by a newfound sense of independence and justice.

Runtime: 104 min

Box Office: $82M








User Score






User Score


3.4 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in Catwoman!

As the camera pans beneath the tranquil surface of the water, a lifeless figure with luscious curls floats eerily, accompanied by a poignant voiceover contemplating the fleeting nature of existence. This particular life, marked by despair and uncertainty, had been brutally extinguished - its victim herself unsure of the identity of her assailant or the motivations behind her brutal slaying. Yet, in a twist of irony, this demise proved to be merely symbolic, as it paved the way for a new life to emerge.

The narrative begins with Patience Phillips (Halle Berry), a timid and downtrodden individual who has allowed others to trample her spirit. Her artistic potential lies dormant, suffocated by her mundane existence as a graphic designer at a cosmetic company. George Hedare (Lambert Wilson) reigns supreme over this empire, flanked by his supermodel wife, Laurel (Sharon Stone). While Laurel acknowledges Patience's talent, she seems indifferent to its exploitation, instead using the young woman as pawns in her Machiavellian power struggles with her husband. George, an abusive and condescending boss, finds endless opportunities to belittle Laurel.

The company is poised on the cusp of launching BeauLine, a revolutionary anti-aging product that Laurel has secretly utilized for years. The advertisement's design falls to Patience, but George's dissatisfaction prompts him to demand a redo. This creative frustration culminates in Patience returning home, only to be kept awake by the incessant noise from her neighbors. As she drifts off to sleep, the enigmatic cat reappears outside her window, its piercing gaze captivating her attention.

The next morning, the feline visitor has ascended to a higher ledge, threatening to become trapped. In an effort to rescue the cat, Patience takes a leap of faith and climbs out onto the windowsill. A passing detective, Tom Lone (Benjamin Bratt), misinterprets her intentions as suicidal and rushes into her apartment to intervene, ultimately pulling her back inside. Patience would have expressed gratitude, but her tardiness for work prompts her hasty departure, resulting in the accidental dropping of her wallet.

Tom tracks her down at the workplace and returns the lost item, sparking a connection between them. They agree to meet over coffee, marking the beginning of an unlikely romance. Later that evening, Patience visits the production facility to deliver her artwork, only to stumble upon a damning revelation: BeauLine poses serious health risks. Shaken to her core, she inadvertently reveals her presence by backing into several tools. Two men give chase, driving her into a massive waste water pipe where she becomes trapped. In a heart-wrenching finale, they flush her into the river, where she meets an untimely demise beneath the surface of the water. The feline companion that has haunted Patience's existence reappears by her lifeless body, gathering other cats around her as if to mourn the passing of this troubled soul.

As Patience (eventually) stumbles back into her home, her unsteady movements betraying the turmoil brewing within, she finds herself face to face with shards of broken glass scattered across her floor. The memories of the preceding chaos are shrouded in a hazy mist, but the physical evidence serves as a stark reminder of the events that transpired. Her neighbors, oblivious to her distress, launch into their usual cacophonous revelry, prompting Patience to vent her frustrations in a primal scream that shakes the very foundations of their party.

In a display both fearless and feral, she confronts the host, unleashing a maelstrom of punches and kicks that leaves the guests stunned and the equipment in tatters. As the morning sun rises over the ruins of the night before, Patience awakens to find her memories of the events still shrouded in mystery. It isn't until she catches sight of the shattered glass that reality begins to crystallize.

Back at work, George's thunderous tirade greets her like a tempestuous storm cloud on the horizon. His words, laced with venom and disdain, pierce Patience like a thousand daggers, but she remains impervious, tuning out his vitriolic diatribe. George's ire is further inflamed by her apologetic response, culminating in her unexpected termination from the company.

As Patience packs up her belongings, her colleagues converge around her, their congratulatory whispers a cruel mockery of her sudden unemployment. Her friends accompany her on the walk home, where two dogs promptly launch into a chorus of barking, prompting Patience to hiss instinctively - an action she attributes to allergies.

Their stroll takes them past a glittering jewelry store, where Patience's gaze lingers on a stunning collar-like necklace before being jolted back to reality by the harsh realities of her new status. Once home, she finds herself face to face with the enigmatic cat once more, its address now within her grasp.

The cat belongs to Ophelia, a former professor and recluse who shares her abode with an army of felines. As Patience learns, the mysterious Midnight is no ordinary cat - it's an Egyptian Mau imbued with special powers reserved for select women who have recently passed on. According to Ophelia, this feline oracle has been watching Patience for several days, anticipating her impending demise and bestowing upon her a new lease on life.

Patience has now joined the ranks of those blessed with the agility, senses, and mystique of a cat - a transformation that sets her on a path akin to that of Catwoman, though their stories are as distinct as night and day.

As Patience's spirit continues to linger, she dons the feline ensemble Ophelia bequeathed her, along with the enigmatic cat mask. This transformation into Catwoman sets her on a path of vengeance against the man who brutally murdered her and left her for dead. Her investigation leads her to the unsuspecting culprit, who confesses that his orders came from above, hinting at some sinister corporate scheme. With this new information, Catwoman decides to pay a visit to the corporate headquarters, only to stumble upon another gruesome crime scene: a man she had seen on the night of her demise now lies lifeless on the floor.

The janitor's hasty intervention mistakenly implicates Catwoman as the perpetrator, forcing her to make a swift exit as the authorities arrive. As a wanted fugitive in the public eye, Catwoman seeks out George, hoping to uncover the truth behind BeauLine's nefarious activities. Her clandestine visit yields a tense confrontation with Laurel, who provides her with crucial information - including a hotel address and cell phone number for future communication.

Catwoman tracks down George to his private residence, where she finds him in compromising circumstances with another aspiring model, Drina. However, their intimate moment is interrupted by the arrival of security personnel, alerted to Catwoman's presence. As the police close in, Patience seizes the opportunity to interrogate an uncooperative and still abusive George. But before she can extract any valuable information, the authorities burst onto the scene, leaving her little choice but to take a daring leap from the private balcony onto the stage below.

The audience, unaware of the unfolding drama, applauds Catwoman's sudden appearance as part of the show. Meanwhile, beneath the stage, Patience confronts Tom, who wields a gun and proves resistant to her charms. As they engage in a fierce struggle, she uses her cunning and alluring nature to gain the upper hand before the reinforcements arrive, prompting another hasty retreat for Catwoman.

As Tom and Patience (Patience) bask in the glow of their blossoming romance, he reveals a tantalizing tale about his encounter with Catwoman. Rather than evoking envy or ire, Patience's reaction is enigmatic, leaving Tom to wonder if she's hiding secrets behind her beguiling smile. Their idyllic evening takes an ominous turn when Tom stumbles upon a diamond-encrusted claw in Patience's abode, its unmistakable design rekindling memories of his fateful meeting with the elusive Catwoman.

Seemingly unaware of the turmoil brewing beneath the surface, Patience and Tom continue their date, but the equilibrium is short-lived. The discovery of a cup bearing Patience's fingerprints at the police lab sets off a chain reaction, as forensic evidence conclusively links Patience to her alter ego, Catwoman. Meanwhile, in a separate development, Laurel (Laurel) awakens Patience to devastating news: her husband's crimes have been uncovered, and she's left feeling helpless.

As Patience dons the mantle of Catwoman once more, she's drawn into a treacherous trap at the Hedare residence. The scene unfolds like a Shakespearean tragedy, with George meeting his untimely demise at the paws of the cunning feline. Laurel manipulates the situation to perfection, planting incriminating evidence in Patience's hands and allowing her to escape the police's clutches.

Patience employs her extraordinary agility and Laurel's workout attire to evade capture, ultimately returning home only to find Tom waiting in the shadows. Though she possesses the physical prowess to disarm him effortlessly, Patience chooses not to resist arrest, instead submitting to the authorities' interrogation. As she pleads her case, Tom's words pierce her heart: all evidence points to Catwoman as the culprit.

Reduced to tears, Patience realizes that Tom may still view her as the enigmatic, troubled individual he met initially – a fragile soul prone to suicidal or hallucinatory tendencies. With a heavy heart, she permits him to lock her in a detention cell, but it's only a matter of time before Midnight's timely intervention facilitates her daring escape.

Seizing the opportunity, Patience infiltrates BeauLine's production warehouse, exploiting the facility's vulnerabilities to disable the trucks and prevent merchandise from being delivered. As the wheels of chaos begin to turn, Patience vanishes into the night, leaving behind a trail of confusion and destruction.

As Tom steps into the BeauLine press conference, he's met with a whirlwind of activity as Laurel enthusiastically touts the product, lavishing attendees with generous samples. Amidst the chaos, Tom seizes the opportunity to privately confront Laurel about his incriminating evidence regarding her illicit activities. However, she unwittingly confesses, and Tom is left stunned by her swift and ruthless retaliation. Just as all hope seems lost, Catwoman intervenes, but not before Tom falls prey to Laurel's attack, leaving him severely injured and unable to escape the premises.

As fate would have it, Tom and Catwoman are forced to remain behind, locked in a desperate battle against Laurel and her cohorts. Despite his compromised state, Tom proves remarkably resilient, fighting valiantly alongside Catwoman as they strive to overpower their formidable foes. The feline vigilante eventually finds herself face-to-face with Laurel, only to discover that the latter's immunity to pain stems from her prolonged use of BeauLine.

Undeterred, Catwoman manages to inflict significant damage on Laurel, culminating in a precipitous plunge off the building. For the first time, Catwoman is confronted with the unsettling possibility that she may have taken a life. The aftermath sees Catwoman's exploits splashed across the news, leading to the eventual shutdown of Hedra, Inc., though this outcome is largely attributed to both the enigmatic nature of Catwoman and the company's own complicity.

As the dust settles, Patience (Catwoman) finds her conscience increasingly burdened by the moral implications of her actions. With Tom's breakup looming, she begins to distance herself from him, opting instead to forge a path of independence, free from the constraints of her dual identity as Catwoman – a hero, a legend, and the icon of her generation.