
Does Stagecoach have end credit scenes?


Stagecoach does not have end credit scenes.




As a dusty stagecoach rumbles down treacherous terrain, an unlikely assortment of travelers - including a rugged outlaw, a card-sharping gambler, and the legendary Doc Holliday - find themselves in the unlikeliest of company: Geronimo's war party.

Runtime: 96 min








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Check out what happened in Stagecoach!

Here's a rephrased version of the section:

In the dusty terrain of the Old West, Peter Arnold (Peter Arnold), a wealthy San Franciscan, retires to his ranch with his daughter, Jessie, who is torn between her desire to escape the harsh wilderness and pursue a romantic interest in San Francisco. Unbeknownst to Arnold, his foreman, Thatcher, has dispatched his henchmen, Clint and Parnell, to carry out a dastardly deed: taking out Arnold en route to his ranch. However, fate intervenes when stagecoach owners Dave Collins (Dave Collins) and Chito Rafferty intercept the ambush, thwarting the would-be assassins' plans. The would-be victims-turned-heroes then unwittingly stumble upon a second stagecoach, mistakenly believing it to be the first one they'd saved. This time, Clint and Parnell are after Arnold, but they're in for a surprise when they find themselves face-to-face with none other than Dave and Chito, along with two other passengers: Birdie and Jessie Arnold herself, disguised as a young boy bound for San Francisco. As the henchmen make off with a strong box containing $20,000, Jessie recognizes Parnell by his telltale mask slip, while Dave spots the distinctive brand on one of the horses.

With their mission foiled once again, Clint and Parnell deliver the stolen goods to Thatcher, who sends them out to finish what they started. Meanwhile, Arnold is at the sheriff's office, reporting his missing daughter, only to have Dave and Chito burst in, detailing the heist on both stages. As the sheriff and his deputies ride off to investigate, Dave's keen eye spots Clint and Parnell riding into town, their horse bearing that familiar brand. In a tense confrontation at the local watering hole, Dave takes down Parnell, who is hauled off to jail. Clint, however, rides off to report back to Thatcher, unaware of the trouble brewing. Jessie, meanwhile, manages to slip away from Birdie's watchful eye, and it's not long before she crosses paths with Dave once more. As they prepare to set up camp, sensing their attackers will return from another direction, Dave reveals his plan to Jessie: they'll lay low until the heat dies down, then strike back with all their might.

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, Mr. Arnold (character) returned to the sheriff's office, his expression grave as he revealed to Sheriff Chito, Birdie, and Parnell that his daughter Jessie had traded in her dress for boyish attire. The revelation sparked a sense of urgency among the assembled group, prompting them to set out en masse to track down the wayward teenager. Meanwhile, Thatcher and Clint slipped into the sheriff's office, dispatching the lone deputy before freeing Parnell and riding off into the night. In a show of good faith, Thatcher assured Parnell that he would be compensated with a portion of the strong box's contents.

As the search party combed the countryside, Chito and Mr. Arnold stumbled upon Dave and Jessie, the latter revealing her true identity to her father. Not long after, Parnell returned to the scene, cautioning Clint against betraying his presence to Thatcher and plotting his next move in regards to Jessie. In a bold-faced lie, Thatcher informed Mr. Arnold that he had sold his cattle for a handsome sum of $20,000, claiming to hold the proceeds in trust.

Jessie confided in her father, expressing her newfound attraction to Dave, but the rugged frontiersman politely rebuffed her affections. Parnell, however, was not so easily deterred, and he soon began firing on Jessie. Dave chased him off, but the trouble was far from over. Parnell made his way to the Arnold ranch house, where he demanded that Thatcher cough up the cash. When the latter refused, Parnell took matters into his own hands, dispatching Thatcher with a ruthless efficiency.

As Parnell and Clint attempted to strong-arm Mr. Arnold into opening his safe, Dave, Chito, and Jessie rode in, sparking a brief but intense gunfight. Parnell proposed taking Mr. Arnold hostage, promising to release him if he and Clint were allowed to make their escape. Jessie agreed, but Dave remained unconvinced, sensing that they intended to harm her father at all costs.

Undeterred, Dave worked his way up to the ranch house's rooftop, leaping onto Parnell and Clint as they attempted to flee with Mr. Arnold in tow. A fierce fistfight ensued, during which Dave bested Parnell but ultimately dispatched him when the outlaw attempted to draw on him. Chito quickly subdued Clint, bringing an end to the violence.

In a heartwarming moment, Mr. Arnold granted his blessing for Dave and Jessie to tie the knot. As they exchanged their vows, Birdie revealed her own intentions – she planned to marry none other than Chito himself. The latter hastily mounted up and rode off, with Birdie hot on his heels in a stunning white wedding dress.