
Does How to Have Sex have end credit scenes?


How to Have Sex does not have end credit scenes.

How to Have Sex

How to Have Sex


In sun-kissed Malia, three British teenagers embark on a liberating adventure, surrendering to the thrill of newfound freedom. Amidst late-night revelry and pulsating club beats, they confront the messy realities of intimacy, consent, and personal awakening, their summer of self-discovery unfolding with unflinching honesty.

Runtime: 1 h 31 m

Box Office: $939K









User Score

Check out what happened in How to Have Sex!

As Tara, Em, and Skye descend upon the sun-kissed resort of Malia on the Greek island of Crete, a summer of self-discovery and liberation beckons. The trio, each poised at the threshold of adulthood, has gathered for a rite-of-passage holiday that promises to be the most unforgettable of their lives. For Tara, however, this vacation assumes an added significance as she grapples with the pressure to catch up with her friends' sexual exploits. Em, on the other hand, is eager to trade in her innocence for a taste of freedom, while Skye navigates her own desires and insecurities.

The evening air is filled with laughter and music as the girls meet Badger, a charismatic neighbour who charms Tara with his warm smile from their hotel room balcony. As they mingle with him and his roommate Paddy, the boundaries between friendship and attraction begin to blur. Em's flirtation with one of Badger's friends serves as a foil to Skye's subtle jabs at Tara's virginity, which only fuel her anxiety. Despite her reservations, Tara finds herself growing closer to Badger, who seems to genuinely care for her.

But when she stumbles upon his participation in a raunchy game at an outdoor club, Tara's initial infatuation gives way to disillusionment and discomfort. Instead of sticking around, she leaves with Paddy, who whisks her away to the beach under the guise of a romantic evening. Though initially hesitant, Tara succumbs to Paddy's advances, only to awaken the next morning feeling drained and uncertain.

As Em and Badger grow concerned about Tara's absence, they finally locate her at a villa, where she has spent the night indulging in late-night revelry with new acquaintances. The hangover is palpable, but it's not just the partying that's taken its toll – Tara's exam results have also left her reeling, forcing her to confront an uncertain future.

In the aftermath of this wild and woolly adventure, Skye's gossip about Tara's newfound experience spreads like wildfire through their group. Yet, only Em is privy to Tara's private struggles as she grapples with the consequences of her actions. Meanwhile, Badger becomes an unlikely confidant for Tara, who finds solace in his gentle nature and concern. As he gently coaxes her back to reality, he departs, leaving Tara to face the music – and her own reflection – alone.

As the sun rises on the final day of their journey, Tara's attempt to indulge in a leisurely morning is disrupted by Paddy's sudden and romantic invasion of her room. Witnessed by the empathetic Badger, the intimate overtures leave Tara's friend reeling with heartache. As the morning wears on, Paddy's advances are rebuffed once more, only for him to later initiate sex with Tara while she lies sleeping, his actions marked by a clear disregard for her consent. The tender moment is abruptly disrupted by the arrival of Skye and Badger, who settle in beside them on the bed, blissfully unaware of the discomfort that has transpired.

As the group prepares to depart the hotel, a mix of emotions fills the air as they share heartfelt goodbyes with their fellow travelers. Tara, however, takes a deliberate step back from Paddy, her interactions with him strained and distant. At the airport, Skye's probing questions about Tara's encounters with Paddy continue to push at the boundaries of her comfort zone, prompting a silent retreat from the conversation.

In a poignant moment of solace, Tara finds herself pouring out her heart to Em, confiding in her friend that Paddy had taken advantage of her vulnerability by initiating sex while she was asleep. Initially caught off guard, Em's expression softens as she acknowledges the gravity of the situation, assuring Tara that what happened was most certainly not "fine." As they make their way to board the plane bound for England, Em offers a reassuring promise: together, they will face their troubles head-on and emerge stronger on the other side.