
Does Dune: Part Two have end credit scenes?


Dune: Part Two does not have end credit scenes.

Dune: Part Two

Dune: Part Two


As Paul Atreides joins forces with the enigmatic Chani and the Fremen tribe, a burning desire for vengeance fuels his quest against those who ravaged his family. With the fate of the universe hanging in the balance, Paul must confront a choice between personal passion and cosmic responsibility to prevent a catastrophic future that only he can see unfolding.

Runtime: 3 h 15 m







User Score

Check out what happened in Dune: Part Two!

As Princess Irulan Corrino pens a somber account of the brutal assault on House Atreides by the Harkonnens, her thoughts are consumed by the enigmatic relationship between Emperor Shaddam IV and Duke Leto Atreides. The juxtaposition of paternal affection with ruthless destruction confounds Irulan, who cannot fathom why her father would orchestrate the downfall of a noble line, despite acknowledging that not all members have met their demise. Her curiosity is further piqued by the implications this has for Arrakis, a planet whose very fate seems inextricably linked to the House Atreides.

Meanwhile, Paul Atreides and his expectant mother, Lady Jessica, find themselves embarking on a treacherous journey across the unforgiving dunes of Arrakis with the Fremen tribe. As they flee from Harkonnen scouts, Stilgar, the fearless leader of the Fremen, skillfully outmaneuvers their pursuers, ultimately claiming victory by sacrificing the scouts to the voracious Shai-Hulud.

Upon arriving at Sietch Tabr, Paul and Jessica are met with suspicion and hostility by the Fremen, some viewing them as spies while others harbor resentment towards Paul for his role in Jamis' demise. Stilgar, however, takes a more measured approach, persuading the Fremen council to extend aid to the Atreides pair, emphasizing the mutual benefits that could arise from their union.

In a private audience with Jessica, Stilgar reveals the imminent passing of their revered Reverend Mother and implores her to assume the role. As Jessica joins the ranks of Bene Gesserit alongside the ailing Ramallo, she is introduced to the deadly Water of Life, a potion lethal to males but capable of unlocking ancient memories for females. Despite initial trepidation, Jessica drinks the poison, succumbing to convulsions as her companions realize too late that she is pregnant.

As the toxin begins to wear off, Jessica inherits the collective knowledge of her ancestors, while her unborn daughter starts to communicate with her, their bond growing stronger by the minute. The two begin plotting a strategy to spread the prophecy among Arrakis' northern inhabitants, targeting those perceived as vulnerable and setting the stage for a revolution that will forever alter the trajectory of their world.

As Paul attempts to forge a deeper connection with Chani amidst her conversation with friend Shishakli about the seemingly impossible prophecy, the Fremen suddenly find themselves face-to-face with an unsuspecting Harkonnen scouting tank. With calculated precision, the warriors unleash a devastating counterattack, annihilating the scouts and sending them crashing to the sandy dunes. Just as the Fremen are basking in the glory of their swift victory, an Ornithopter swoops down from the skies, unleashing a barrage of laser fire that threatens to engulf Chani and her companions. Paul springs into action, shielding Chani with his own body and providing the opening she needs to shatter the Ornithopter's shield and send it plummeting to the ground. As the Fremen claim their spoils from the defeated scouts, Paul reveals to Stilgar and the others that he couldn't care less about being perceived as the Lisan al-Gaib; all he desires is to fight alongside these noble warriors, earning their respect and admiration in the process.

Later, as the spice flows effortlessly across the shifting sands like a golden tide, Paul and Chani find themselves alone on a hillside, gazing out at the breathtaking vista. The air is electric with tension as they surrender to their long-suppressed emotions, sharing a tender kiss that seals their growing connection.

Time passes, and Paul immerses himself in Fremen traditions, training alongside Chani to become a formidable Fedaykin warrior. He earns the revered title of "Muad'Dib Usul," named after the resilient kangaroo mice that thrive in the unforgiving desert environment, and begins to earn the respect of his Fremen comrades. However, Paul's newfound confidence is tempered by the recurring visions he experiences – dark apparitions that haunt him as he follows a mysterious figure (later revealed to be Jessica) heading south, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. The prophesied holy war, which Paul feels would ensue if he were to become the Lisan al-Gaib, hangs precariously over the horizon like a gathering storm.

Undeterred by these ominous portents, Paul sets his sights on a monumental Fremen test: riding the majestic sandworms that roam the desert sands. As the Fremen gather to witness this spectacle, Paul descends into the heart of the dunes, planting the device that will summon Shai-Hulud. With bated breath, he waits as the worm rises from the depths, then seizes his chance to leap onto its back and begin the arduous ride. After a fierce struggle, Paul emerges victorious, earning thunderous applause from the Fremen who have gathered to bear witness.

Meanwhile, Jessica sets out on a perilous journey to spread the word of the prophecy throughout southern Arrakis, driven by a burning desire to bring hope to those who would listen. Though she implores Paul to join her in this endeavor, he remains resolute, sensing that his involvement would only hasten the catastrophic events that his visions foretell.

On the desolate planet of Giedi Prime, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen makes a triumphant return to his homeworld, bringing with him a sense of malevolent intent. He attends a lavish celebration honoring his nephew Feyd-Rautha, brother to the brutish Rabban, and is joined by Reverend Mother Mohiam, Lady Margot Fenring, and a sea of onlookers. As they gather to witness Feyd's participation in a tournament against three Atreides followers, the atmosphere is electric with tension. Feyd's opponents are initially incapacitated, making it a foregone conclusion that he would emerge victorious - except for one formidable opponent who refuses to go down without a fight. Feyd's anger towards his uncle for manipulating the outcome of the tournament simmers just below the surface, but ultimately, he is forced to confront the harsh realities of his family's ruthless ambition.

Meanwhile, Mohiam and Margot engage in hushed conversations about the possibility of Paul Atreides still being alive, despite the whispers of "Muad'Dib" spreading like wildfire across Arrakis. Margot's true intentions are shrouded in mystery as she seeks out Feyd-Rautha, exploiting his vulnerability with a calculated blend of seduction and manipulation. Her ultimate goal is revealed when she returns to Mohiam, bearing the fruit of her labor - a child born from her union with Feyd.

As Irulan continues to grapple with the attack on House Atreides, she seeks out Mohiam for answers, only to be met with a cold, calculated assessment of the Emperor's involvement. The stakes are raised further as a group of smugglers crash-land on Arrakis, sparking a violent confrontation with the Fremen that Paul ultimately puts an end to through his connection with Gurney Halleck.

The latter's arrival brings with it a wealth of knowledge and emotional resonance, as he shares his tale of survival amidst the chaos. Faced with the crushing reality of their situation, Gurney leads Paul, Chani, Stilgar, and the remaining Atreides forces on a perilous quest to reclaim House Atreides' stash of atomic warheads.

However, Harkonnen troops, led by Feyd-Rautha's ruthless determination, launch a brutal attack on Sietch Tabr, leaving destruction and despair in their wake. The Fremen are forced to flee, leaving behind the charred remains of Shishakli, who refused to yield under interrogation. As Paul's reluctance to abandon his home grows, he is propelled towards a treacherous journey south, driven by the imperative to reclaim his birthright and restore order to the war-torn planet.

As Paul ventures back to the sacred temple where Jessica had previously sought enlightenment, he becomes consumed by an insatiable thirst to uncover the source of the mystical Water of Life. Despite Chani's fervent warnings, Paul succumbs to the temptation and drinks from the extracted baby sandworm, plunging into a state of unconsciousness. The visions that ensue are eerily reminiscent of Jessica's own prophetic experiences, including a poignant encounter with his sister Alia (Anya Taylor-Joy), whose ethereal presence speaks directly to his soul.

As the Fremen elders gather to rally around Paul's lifeless form, Chani is tasked with reviving him using the tears of the Desert Spring. With a mixture of Water of Life and her own sacred tears, she coaxes Paul back into the realm of the living. In a private conversation with Jessica, Paul reveals a shocking truth: that their shared Harkonnen heritage makes them both pawns in a grand game of destiny. This revelation not only solidifies his position as the Kwisatz Haderach but also redefines his relationship with Jessica.

As news of Paul's ascension spreads throughout the Fremen community, leaders from across the dunes converge to discuss the implications. The Fremen are torn between their desire to challenge Stilgar and their newfound reverence for Paul, who boldly asserts his claim as the Lisan al-Gaib. Chani's impassioned plea that the prophecy has shackled the Fremen people resonates deeply, ultimately paving the way for Paul's coronation as messiah.

Meanwhile, the Harkonnens return with the Emperor Irulan and their formidable Sardaukar forces, precipitating a decisive confrontation between the Fremen warriors and their enemies. The Emperor confronts the Harkonnens, exploiting the Baron's vulnerability by severing his suspensor belts and rendering him immobile. Paul then orders the launch of warheads to breach Arrakeen's defenses, while the Fremen ride the sandworms to devastating effect against the Imperial army.

In a heart-wrenching conclusion, the Baron makes a futile attempt to crawl toward the Emperor's throne, only for Paul to confront him with a mixture of familial familiarity and ruthless determination. The blade ultimately finds its mark in the Baron's neck, silencing his defiant cry. As the surviving Sardaukar forces retreat in disarray, Gurney Halleck engages Rabban in a final, brutal duel before delivering the decisive blow, ending the Baron's reign of terror once and for all.

As Paul's ire simmers to a boiling point, he readies himself to confront the Emperor, driven by a burning desire for vengeance against the one responsible for his father's demise. With unyielding resolve, he demands that the Emperor surrender and grant him permission to marry Irulan, an ultimatum that visibly wounds Chani, her eyes welling up with tears of sorrow. The Emperor, undeterred, summons Feyd-Rautha as his champion, and the two engage in a fierce duel, with Feyd momentarily gaining the upper hand by plunging his blade into Paul's side. However, Paul's indomitable will proves too great, and he ultimately gains the advantage, striking down Feyd with a fatal blow to the chest. As Feyd's life force ebbs away, he concedes that Paul fought valiantly before succumbing to his wounds. With the Emperor now within reach, Paul prepares for the next confrontation, but Irulan intervenes, agreeing to marry him under the condition dictated by Paul. Just as the Emperor relinquishes power, he reveals to Paul that Leto's murder was motivated by the actions of the heart, a revelation that only serves to fuel Paul's righteous indignation. As Paul takes Irulan's hand, Chani is overcome with emotion, her tears falling like the sands beneath her feet, and she departs, lost in the vast expanse.

The aftermath of these events finds Paul informed that not all Great Houses have accepted his ascension to power. In response, he orders the Fremen army to march forward, intent on "sending them to paradise." Gurney, Stilgar, and numerous other allies concur, and together they set forth. Meanwhile, Jessica shares a poignant moment with Alia, acknowledging that the long-awaited holy war has finally begun.

As the curtain closes, Chani steps into the dunes, calling forth a massive sandworm to bear her away to unknown destinations, the vast expanse of the desert stretching out before her like an endless sea.