
Does Code 46 have end credit scenes?


Code 46 does not have end credit scenes.

Code 46

Code 46


In a dystopian world where identity and genetics are currency, an insurance investigator is drawn into a web of deceit and desire in Shanghai. As he delves into a forgery ring, his professional and personal boundaries blur with a passionate affair. But when a murder rocks the city, he must confront the darkness head-on to uncover the truth.

Runtime: 93 min

Box Office: $886K







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Check out what happened in Code 46!

In the not-too-distant future, humanity is compartmentalized into two distinct realms: the densely populated urban centers and the marginalized underclass that dwells on the periphery. The very fabric of this dichotomy is maintained by a system of health records known as "papeles," which serve as a gatekeeper to the coveted cities.

William Geld (character), an investigator specializing in insurance fraud, is dispatched to Shanghai to conduct interviews at the enigmatic corporation, "The Sphinx," responsible for manufacturing these papeles. His mission is to identify and apprehend those suspected of falsifying the crucial documentation, known as "covers." As he delves deeper into the world of The Sphinx, William's attention is captured by a young worker named Maria Gonzalez (character), who stands accused of perpetrating this very fraud. Instead of surrendering her to authorities, however, William becomes enamored with her and begins an illicit affair. It is during one such clandestine encounter that he discovers a forged cover in her possession and seizes the opportunity to claim it as his own.

William's actions are subsequently scrutinized by his superiors, who reprimand him for failing to uncover the true perpetrator of the forgery. Undeterred, William requests that someone else be sent to rectify the situation, suggesting that there may have been an accomplice involved in the mistaken identity he had previously fingered. His plea falls on deaf ears, and he is instead instructed to resolve the matter himself and return to Shanghai.

Upon his return, William finds Maria's apartment abandoned, with only a cryptic medical appointment as a clue to her whereabouts. He visits the clinic, where he learns that Maria was expecting and had terminated the pregnancy due to a violation of Code 46 – an infraction that carries grave consequences. The revelation sends shockwaves through William's psyche, as he begins to unravel the mystery surrounding his connection to Maria.

As he delves deeper into the truth, William discovers that Maria has been taken to undergo memory erasure – a procedure designed to erase her recollections of the event. Utilizing his investigator's license to gain access to the clinic, William persuades them to release Maria into his care, claiming she is a vital witness in an ongoing fraud investigation. Once released, William shares with Maria the truth about her erased memories and his failure to report her for fraud. The revelation sends her into a tailspin of distress, prompting William to administer a sedative to calm her nerves.

As Maria sleeps, William seizes the opportunity to procure a strand of her hair and submits it to an instant DNA analysis facility. The results are nothing short of astonishing: Maria is a biological clone of his mother – a finding that sends ripples through his understanding of his own identity. With this new information, William contemplates returning to his family, but finds himself thwarted by the expiration of his 24-hour cover, rendering him persona non grata in the eyes of the authorities.

As the reality of his situation sets in, William comes to the stark realization that his only means of returning home rests squarely on securing a crucial document from Maria's grasp. With her determined efforts to obtain this papel, however, she finds herself stumped by the sudden shift in her work responsibilities, leaving her co-worker to fill the gap. Meanwhile, as Maria embarks on a train journey to reunite with William, a peculiar phenomenon occurs - her memories begin to resurface, and with them, the long-forgotten emotions that once bound her to this man. In a stunning reversal of fortune, William decides to forgo his initial plan to leave her behind, opting instead to remain by Maria's side.

Their joint odyssey takes them to Jebel Ali in the United Arab Emirates, where they seek refuge in the ancient city's labyrinthine streets and book a modest room. It is here that William reveals to Maria the full extent of the memory-wiping procedure, which not only erased her recollections but also implanted a virus within her system. This insidious pathogen responds to physical contact with the individual responsible for the Code 46 violation by inducing an adrenaline rush in its host. Fearing the consequences of this revelation, William chooses to keep his silence regarding the virus's secondary effect: Maria will be compelled to report any subsequent Code 46 violations to the authorities.

As they flee from their pursuers in a rickety old car, their evasive maneuvers ultimately prove futile, as the vehicle careens out of control and the couple is left unconscious amidst the wreckage. William awakens in a Seattle hospital, surrounded by his wife and child, with no recollection of Maria or their time together. The memories they shared have been supplanted by the thrill of a successful investigation, leaving him none the wiser.

Meanwhile, Maria's punishment is far more severe - she is exiled to the unforgiving desert, her memories of William rewritten to make them even more intense and all-consuming. Despite being forced to live without him, these revised recollections serve as a cruel reminder of what lies beyond the borders of her isolated existence.