Brittany Runs A Marathon 2019

Box Office



104 min




A charismatic but lost soul, Brittany Forgler, finds herself at a crossroads - stuck in a cycle of self-destructive habits and relationships. But when a doctor's prescription forces her to confront her health, Brit meets an unlikely motivator in Catherine, who sparks a transformative journey from couch potato to marathon runner.

A charismatic but lost soul, Brittany Forgler, finds herself at a crossroads - stuck in a cycle of self-destructive habits and relationships. But when a doctor's prescription forces her to confront her health, Brit meets an unlikely motivator in Catherine, who sparks a transformative journey from couch potato to marathon runner.

Does Brittany Runs A Marathon have end credit scenes?


Brittany Runs A Marathon does not have end credit scenes.






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6.8 /10

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Movie Quiz

Brittany Runs A Marathon Quiz: Test your knowledge about the inspiring journey and transformations of Brittany in 'Brittany Runs A Marathon'.

What is Brittany's primary struggle at the beginning of the film?

Plot Summary

In the vibrant metropolis of New York City, Brittany Forgler (Jillian Bell), a 28-year-old free spirit, resides with her roommate Gretchen (Alice Lee), a teacher’s assistant consumed by the pursuit of social media stardom. Gretchen’s creative endeavors revolve around crafting Instagram videos that showcase an extravagant lifestyle, which she hopes will go viral and catapult her to fame.

As Brittany navigates her daily routine as a greeter at an off-Broadway theater, her life is marked by a propensity for excessive partying, weight issues, and an addiction to Adderall. Her boss, Shannon (Jennifer Dundas), frequently expresses frustration over Brittany’s chronic tardiness, which forces Shannon to cover for her employee.

Seeking a prescription for Adderall, Brittany visits Doctor Falloway (Patch Darragh), who delivers an unwelcome diagnosis: she must transform her life and shed significant pounds. With a BMI of 32, far surpassing the healthy range of 25, the doctor sets a weight loss goal of between 45-55 pounds for Brittany.

Inspiration strikes when Brittany encounters Martha, a regular runner in her building, who embodies a sense of discipline and dedication to fitness. However, upon attempting to join a local gym, Brittany is disheartened by the exorbitant fees ($129 per month), forcing her to seek an alternative: running outside. Despite initial trepidation, she takes her first steps and successfully completes a single block.

Gretchen’s influence soon draws Brittany into another night of revelry, only to find herself at odds with her neighbor Catherine (Michaela Watkins), whose seemingly flawless life is belied by a troubled past. As Catherine shares her own story of heroin addiction at the age of 23, Brittany begins to form an unlikely bond with this woman she initially despised.

At the gym, Brittany meets Seth (Micah Stock), another struggling runner, who shares his motivations for getting healthy: he fears being judged by his child if he doesn’t take control of his life. As they work together, Brittany finds solace in their shared struggles and begins to lose weight at an encouraging pace, shedding 22 pounds and dropping to a weight of 184 pounds – still 32 pounds away from her goal.

The trio’s camaraderie blossoms as they tackle group runs, culminating in the completion of a 5K event. Emboldened by their collective progress, Brittany, Seth, and Catherine set their sights on an even more daunting challenge: participating in the prestigious New York City Marathon, a grueling 26-mile course that attracts 50,000 participants from around the world each year.

Here’s a rephrased version of the section:

Catherine’s claims of having trained for the marathon four years ago are marred by reality - pregnancy intervened, and now her ex-husband is waging war in court over their child. Meanwhile, Seth reveals that Catherine’s cousin’s exhaustion during the marathon was so extreme it led to an unconventional form of fueling - a desperate attempt to refuel through elimination. The grueling experience serves as a stark reminder of the physical and emotional toll such endeavors can take.

As a seasoned runner, Catherine is guaranteed entry into the coveted event, but Seth and Brittany face a more daunting challenge. They must first navigate the unpredictable lottery system or risk going to great lengths to raise the necessary funds. Catherine’s suggestion that they join a gym to accelerate their fitness seems like a logical solution - until Brittany, in her pursuit of financial independence, lands an unexpected second job as a pet sitter. Her new role leads her to Jern (Utkarsh Ambudkar), a fellow sitter who’s taken up residence in the house despite the rules.

As Brittany navigates this uncharted territory, she finds herself at odds with Gretchen over her rapidly changing lifestyle. The strain ultimately prompts her decision to take up temporary residence in the very same house where Jern resides, forging an unlikely bond with him as they commiserate about their stalled lives. Seth and Catherine’s prophetic warnings that Brittany will eventually succumb to Jern’s charms prove eerily accurate.

In a remarkable display of physical transformation, Brittany whittles down her weight by 40 pounds, leaving only five pounds between her goal and reality. However, despite Seth’s luck in securing a spot through the lottery, Brittany finds herself at a dead end, with no other option but to raise funds for charity in order to participate. At Catherine’s divorce party, she makes an offer that seems too good to be true: $5000 donated in Brittany’s name to her favorite charity, guaranteeing her a coveted marathon spot. But Brittany’s stubborn pride and lingering reluctance to let Catherine into her life force her to decline the generous gesture, leading her to abandon all progress and subsequently regain her lost weight.

In a cruel twist of fate, Brittany’s doctor delivers devastating news five weeks before the marathon - a stress fracture has rendered her unable to run for six to eight weeks, with the possibility of permanent damage.

As Brittany trudges back to the dog-sitting house, her spirits sagging like the autumnal leaves that carpet the ground, she finds solace in conversing with Jern about the state of her existence. However, their heart-to-hearts are abruptly terminated by the return of the homeowners, whose disgust at finding humans inhabiting their domain prompts them to summarily fire Brittany and Jern. In a burst of frustration, Brittany boards a bus bound for Philadelphia, where she hopes to find solace with her sister Cici (Kate Arrington) and brother-in-law Demetrius (Lil Rel Howery), the latter having played a paternal role in her life after their parents’ divorce and father’s passing. Ignoring the persistent calls and texts from Catherine, Seth, and Jern, Brittany is dismayed to discover Seth and Catherine basking in the glow of their freshly minted marathon medals.

That same day, Brittany crashes Demetrius’s birthday celebration, stirring up controversy with her snide comments about an overweight female guest. Following a stern yet heartfelt reprimand from Demetrius, Brittany returns to New York, alone once more as Gretchen is now cohabiting with her on-again, off-again beau Terrence.

As she rededicates herself to fitness, Brittany stops monitoring her weight loss progress and begins applying for advertising positions, the field in which she initially trained. She ultimately secures an entry-level role in Tribeca and reconnects with old friends. Catherine reveals that running was a coping mechanism for her following her messy divorce, explaining that years prior, she suffered a wrist injury and was prescribed Oxycodone, which her husband refused to accept as a legitimate part of her recovery plan. He discovered she was self-medicating anyway, using this information to deny her visitation rights to their children.

Brittany encourages Catherine to take incremental steps towards regaining custody of her kids and sets boundaries with Jern, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a platonic relationship. One year later, Brittany takes on the marathon challenge once more, only to hit a wall at the 22-mile mark, whereupon she’s wracked by cramps. As she teeters on the brink of defeat, she’s offered assistance but declines medical intervention. Instead, she accepts an offer of support from a sympathetic assistant and, after pausing to collect herself, finds the strength to continue.

As Brittany nears the finish line, she’s met with a sea of familiar faces: Seth, his husband, and sons cheering her on; Jern, who proclaims his love for her in the midst of the crowd. With renewed determination, Brittany crosses the finish line, her journey symbolizing not only physical triumph but also emotional resilience.

A year later, Brittany and Jern have merged their lives as a couple, but she’s hesitant to formalize their union despite his suggestions. As she prepares to leave the house for a solo run, she shares a fleeting kiss with Jern before departing into the dawn.

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