
Does Brad's Status have end credit scenes?


Brad's Status has end credit scenes.

Brad's Status

Brad's Status


In suburban Sacramento, Brad Sloan's comfortable life takes a backseat as he compares his journey to those of his four charismatic college friends now living the high life. A trip to Boston rekindles old rivalries and forces him to confront his own perceived shortcomings, but as he reconnects with his former friends, Brad discovers that success is not always measured by wealth or fame.

Runtime: 102 min

Box Office: $3.8M








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6.5 /10

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Check out what happened in Brad's Status!

As Brad Sloan navigates the comforts of his life with wife Melanie and son Troy, he can't help but feel a pang of discontentment when comparing his modest accomplishments to those of his former friends. Craig Fisher has secured a role in the White House and penned a best-selling book; Jason Hatfield founded a thriving hedge fund firm; Billy Wearslter sold his company and now basks in the sun-kissed glory of retirement on Maui; and Nick Pascale has become a respected Hollywood director. Melanie's attempts to soothe Brad, reminding him that he doesn't need to measure himself against the wealthy elite, only partially assuage his envy.

The opportunity for redemption arrives when Troy confesses his desire to attend Harvard University, prompting Brad to see this as a chance to recapture his own lost aspirations. As they journey to Boston to explore college options, the pair discovers they've missed their scheduled appointment by just one day. Though Troy advises against it, Brad's determination to plead their case is eventually tempered by the realization that time has run out.

Melanie suggests that Brad seek guidance from Craig, a proposal he reluctantly accepts after obtaining Billy's phone number and learning about Nick's recent marriage to his long-time partner. This revelation serves as a stinging reminder of Brad's perceived failures in both personal and professional spheres. Moreover, his flagging sex life with Melanie, which seems to be met with effortless satisfaction on her part, only fuels his insecurities.

Over dinner at a local eatery, Brad opens up to Troy about the pangs of exclusion he feels when comparing himself to his former friends. Troy picks up on his father's underlying anxieties and offers words of encouragement. The subsequent conversation with Craig yields an unexpected benefit: Craig secures a meeting for Troy with Harvard's esteemed music professor and dean of admissions.

As Brad and Troy spend time with Ananya, a talented young musician and friend of their son's, he finds himself drawn to her idealism and admiration for his work, a quality that harkens back to a bygone era when his passions were unbridled. However, this newfound connection is tempered by Ananya's candid criticism of Craig's lectures, which she perceives as sexist and arrogant. Following their dinner engagement, Brad and Troy decline the offer of drinks with their hosts and return to their hotel, each lost in their own thoughts as they grapple with the complexities of friendship, ambition, and self-perception.

As the night wears on, Brad finds himself unable to quiet his restless mind, so he decides to pour out his emotions over a drink with Ananya. His confidences flow like wine as he reveals to her that he's been tormented by doubts about his non-profit career, wondering if he should have instead pursued financial success. As the words tumble forth, he becomes painfully aware that he's lost Ananya's admiration; yet, undeterred, he continues to lament his perceived shortcomings compared to the triumphs of his friends. Ananya listens intently, her voice a gentle breeze as she reminds him that he's living a life of privilege and that there are children in India who would count it a blessing just to have dinner on their plate. Her words of wisdom hang in the air like a challenge, prompting Brad to reevaluate his priorities.

Meanwhile, Troy finds himself face-to-face with his idol, a renowned music composer, courtesy of Craig's connections. However, as Troy shares his excitement with Brad, his mentor's star dims slightly, and he begins to feel a sense of disillusionment. The ensuing argument between the two friends sparks a heated debate, with Brad cautioning Troy against judging others for compromising their art in pursuit of fame. The dispute eventually subsides, and Troy heads off to an interview at the prestigious institution. Just as Brad is lost in his own thoughts, Jason's panicked voice pierces the air, delivering a devastating blow: his 3-year-old daughter has been diagnosed with a tethered spine at the Mayo Clinic. Shattered by the news, Brad becomes oblivious to Troy's post-interview update and instead finds himself preoccupied with the weight of his friend's words.

As Brad and Troy take a stroll through Tufts University, the campus alive with memories, their conversation is interrupted by Melanie's return call. Brad's heart swells with pride as he speaks about his son, his voice tinged with longing for the mother who's not present to share in their joy. The gentle rustle of leaves and the distant hum of academic life serve as a poignant backdrop to Brad's introspection, as he grapples with the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment.

As Brad (actor name) sits down for dinner with Craig, he's driven by a sense of gratitude for his friend's assistance. However, as they chat, Brad begins to uncover the cracks beneath the surface of his peers' seemingly privileged lives. Jason Hatfield's daughter is struggling with a serious medical condition, and his company is facing legal scrutiny - revelations that shake Brad's perception of his friends' success. Meanwhile, Billy Wearslter's addiction and alcoholism serve as a stark reminder that even those who appear to have it all together can be hiding secrets. Craig's homophobic remarks about Nick only add to the complexity of their relationships, leaving Brad questioning whether they're truly friends or just acquaintances.

As tensions build, Brad finds himself increasingly uncomfortable with Craig's constant boasting and condescending comments. The final straw comes when Craig seems perplexed by Brad's reaction, prompting him to make a hasty exit from their dinner engagement. In his desire for a more genuine connection, Brad decides to join Troy at the orchestral performance featuring Ananya and Maya, explaining to his son that he'd rather be there with him. The haunting beauty of the music washes over Brad, transporting him to a place of emotional introspection, where he's forced to confront his lingering attachment to the world.

In the aftermath of this revelatory evening, Brad returns to their hotel room, where Troy probes about the possibility of a nervous breakdown. Brad reveals that his doubts stem from his fear of being viewed as a failure - a feeling he tries to shake off. Troy offers a poignant perspective, reminding Brad that everyone is preoccupied with their own concerns and thus wouldn't even consider his status as a failure. The young man's words have a profound impact on Brad, filling him with a sense of peace and validation.

As the credits roll, Brad's mind wanders into the realm of imagination, where he's haunted by the possibility that his son is still busking in the streets, the thought serving as a poignant reminder of their complicated yet loving relationship. The movie concludes with Brad repeating an affirmation to himself - "We're still alive. I am still alive" - as he drifts off to sleep, the weight of his experiences and emotions slowly lifting from his shoulders.